Sunday, November 29, 2015


AGM and End of Year Social
November 30th at Crestmead PCYC building

Pinnington Park Saturday December 5th from 5.30pm all welcome
Please be advised that alcohol is not permitted in Logan City Council Parks
Soft drinks, water and a bbq will be available for purchase on the night plus raffle
Free face painting and a visit from SANTA!
Bring chairs and blankets for your comfort

2015November NEWSLETTER

Message from The Area Coordinator
After two months away in the Northern Hemisphere it is good to be back in the warm (if at times wet) weather of our wonderful state. We all need to make preparations to keep our property & possessions safe with both storm & bush fire seasons current. Please do all you can to minimise the risk of property in your yards from becoming a missile should we get high winds (or even the tail end of a cyclone) & make sure that undergrowth is kept to a minimum with no material which could burn easily in a bushfire emergency. Don’t forget we are surrounded with a lot of trees in our suburb & it would take just the right combination of wind, dry & high temperatures to provide the essence of a catastrophic fire emergency. We need to do our part to help the emergency services do their job in protecting & safeguarding our surroundings. Also make sure that gutters are cleared of dry leaves & other possible debris which can catch alight or block our drains in the event of a heavy storm.
The first weekend of November gave us a clue as to what mother nature may have in store for us this summer.

On another matter with the end of the school year approaching we must be even more vigilant on our roads for youngsters who may not be paying as much attention to their surroundings as they should with the excitement of holidays, parties etc ahead. The 40kph limit is there for a reason & don’t forget that road speeds are limited to 50kph in suburban streets unless otherwise posted it is evident to me since my return, just how many people are NOT adhering to the speed limits.
Police will be out in force over the coming holiday periods to monitor the FATAL FIVE - after distraction & inattention was added to the Road Safety Campaign. Make sure your vehicles are ready for the long trips which may be involved at holiday time as well as personally being ready.
Including: do not drive fatigued, impaired through drink or drugs, do not speed & always wear your seat belt. We all want to be here this time next year, & however safe we may drive remember that there are always those who share the roads with us who are not so diligent, so leave extra room for braking & be aware of your surroundings.

With the recent death of a young girl from Marsden the community rallied round the Marsden School Community. However police still need help in finding the person(s) involved & it is just possible that you may have the missing piece of information needed. Please look in your backyards in case the uniform or backpack has been disposed of over the fence it could be vital evidence.
Also be warned this “silly season” that there will be the usual conmen operating & cyber crime is still on the increase. Do Not open un-solicited emails particularly those advising that you have won a lottery that you have no knowledge of entering. DO NOT open emails saying that your computer has a virus, have an outstanding invoice from Fed Ex or similar. The Australian Cyber On-Line Reporting System ACORN is a secure reporting and referral service for cybercrime & online incidents which may be in breach of Australian law. Common types of cybercrime include: hacking, scams, fraud, identity theft, attacks on computer systems & illegal or prohibited online content. Make sure you have updated firewall & anti virus protection. If yours is not up to date perhaps give hints that you could do with a new version for a Christmas present instead of the usual unwanted items that just go into drawers.

I hope that you will join us at the AGM & end of year social on November 30th or at the Crestmead Community Carols on Saturday December 5th.

Wishing you a peaceful holiday season, take care

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Crestmead Community Centre
Café area right side of building
MONDAY August 31st
speaker from
Crestmead Police
Following meetings September 28th/October 26th
AGM and end of year social November 30th

2015 August NEWSLETTER

Message from The Area Coordinator
Welcome to the new Officer in Charge of Crest-mead Police Station Acting Senior Sgt Warren Parker and we wish you well with your work in our community. Thanks go out to all staff at Crestmead Station including the Volunteers for all they do you are very much appreciated. I am pleased to say that our group is now officially In-corporated which makes life a little easier for grant applications etc and this will help us with our events in the community. Our grateful thanks to Veal and Prasad for their assistance with auditing our accounts. There may be a gap in newsletters for the next couple of months so I will draw your attention to the dates included here and most im-portantly the AGM & end of year social which is at the end of November. The first Saturday in December we will be holding the Crestmead Com-munity Carols in Pinnington Park & once again hope for a great turnout (but no rain!!) The November newsletter will have details of the event & look out for posters in the suburb. You will also see the events taking place at the community cen-tre which are noted—there is a lot going on so please take advantage of all the hard work that is organised for us in the suburb. There are so many more motorbike riders amongst the road toll this year we will be targeting many of these subjects at the Road Safety Expo to be held during Road Safety Week in August 2016, but for this year don’t forget there are lots of events on to educate & inform during the period 17th - 21st August. Not to say that we should just take care on Fatality Free Friday or Road Safety Week we should be conscious of the decisions we make when out on the roads bike riders are not always to blame so just give a bit more room when overtaking. Please see the note from Crestmead State School Adopt A Cop regarding children around schools & bike (scooter/skateboard) riding too.
Take care Geoff

“Police would like to remind parents that before and after school are very busy times and can be peak traffic hazard times for children outside the school gate. Drivers are re-minded that the 2 minute parking restrictions and the school car parks will be monitored and infringements issued to those found committing parking offences or any offence likely to cause danger to other drivers or students at the school. We encourage children and parents to use the safe crossing zone outside the school and remember to stop, look and listen before crossing the street. Finally, if you like to ride your bicycle in the community please remember to wear your bi-cycle helmet on your head. Keep safe and look out for each other.”

Research shows most people are hesitant to speak up about wrongdoing at work because they fear reprisals. That's why we're putting our excellent information gathering skills to work for corporate clients with the recently launched 1300 Anonymous hotline service
1300 Anonymous provides an independent, trusted and confidential hotline to allow an organisation's em-ployees to report issues such as fraud, corruption and misconduct. It's available nationally at cost-effective prices for businesses of all sizes.
Discover why businesses cannot afford to be without an employee hotline.
Show your support, help us get the word out and learn more by:
• liking 1300 Anonymous on Facebook
• following us on LinkedIn
• joining us on Twitter.
All proceeds from 1300 Anonymous will fund the work of Crime Stoppers Queensland.
Ph: 1300 266 696

Upcoming events which may be of interest to you

Berrinba Wetlands Wayne Goss Drive Friday 28th August 5pm - 9pm

Friday September 11th, October 9th, November 13th, December 11th. Held between 6pm - 8pm at Crestmead Community Centre. Primary school age children $4 PCYC members $5 non members.
Friday September 4th, October 2nd, November 6th, December 4th. Held between 6.30pm - 8.30pm at Logan West Community Centre, Wineglass Drive Hillcrest. Children aged 6 - 14 welcome admission $5.00

Fathers Day theme September 5th
Spring Items theme October 24th doors open for both events at 12.45 start time 1.30pm. Enquiries to Rosie: 0407 649 789

This scheme is just going from strength to strength & we have to congratulate Tracee & her team of mentors & volunteers for the hard work they put in to get the wonderful results of youngsters achieving their licence & in turn obtaining employment from being mobile but also with the assistance of the resume/interview skills gained.

Lots of programs from Tiny Tots to Muay Thai, Aikido to Craft, Choir to Junior & Senior Dance, Playgroup to Duke of Edinburgh award. Contact 3805 4100 or email for more details.

Monday, July 20, 2015


Crestmead Community Centre
Café area right side of building
MONDAY July 27th
Speaker from Crestmead Police
Regarding ICE
Following meeting August 31st
Speaker to be arranged

Friday August 14th 6pm—8pm
Crestmead Community Centre

Friday August 7th 6.30pm—8.30pm
Logan West Community Centre
Wineglass Dr. Hillcrest


Message from The Area Coordinator
All those who attended the talk at the last meeting from the Logan House Fire Support Network were agreed what an informative evening it was Louie & Christine deserve many thanks for their dedicated hard work in the face of such tragedies which are becoming too numerous. They have a wide range of smoke alarms, blankets etc which can be purchased from them at less than you would pay at the large retailers. So when you need to replace an item please consider contacting them for these necessary items and in doing so help pre-vent a possible fire. As suggested at the meeting when you are going to buy a birthday/Christmas present for someone why not think of getting something that is both necessary & life saving? Much better than a bunch of flowers or bottle of after shave & will last much longer!! This news-letter has many of the tips given at the meeting but for further details please contact 0411 826 114 or 0407 645 531 more information & items mentioned from
We are about to start planning the next Road Safety Expo to be held in August 2016 in line with the QPS road safety week. Date & venue to be arranged, but will keep you updated with plans as they develop. Our next meeting has an officer from Crestmead Police Station talking about the drug Ice epidemic. This will be very important for all since it is such a growing & destructive crime. Our next few meetings may not have speakers ar-ranged but we hope to welcome the new officer in charge to Crestmead Station at our August meet-ing. Crestmead Community Carols this year will be held on Saturday December 5th at Pinnington Park so please mark your calendars for this family event hopefully the rain will not affect us this year! Take care Geoff

Following Australia’s worst ever house fire at Slacks Creek in August 2011, Louie & Christine visited the scene & offered what condolences they could. How-ever with continuing events, they could see the need for some form of support help & in June 2014 they registered the LHFSN. Since July 1st 2014 there have been 41 house fires in Logan with 16 of those as a total loss. Recently they have linked with the Qld Fire & Emergency Services to promote the “GET OUT - FIRE ABOUT” slogan where you are encouraged to plan an escape route in the event of a fire would you know how to get out of your home in pitch black (could happen at night & don’t forget the electricity will be cut), with choking, acrid smoke affecting your breathing & vision? Get into the habit of your family knowing where to assemble if they need to evacuate, how quickly they can get out & what alternative methods there are of leaving the house should the doorways be blocked.
Of course a priority would be to have smoke alarms fitted throughout your home not just in the kitchen but at exit points for all bedrooms & if you live in a 2 storey home there should be alarms on each floor.
IONISATION SMOKE ALARMS are useless unless you want one to go off when the toast burns! It “smells” the burning whereas a PHOTOELECTRIC SMOKE ALARM actually “sees the smoke. So if a fire has smoldered for say 3 hours, you would be ren-dered in a deep sleep from the toxic smell of the fire obvious which alarm would work. The North-ern Territory government mandated in 2011 to only allow photoelectric alarms & it is actually illegal for commercial buildings to have an ionization alarm. It can take up to 3 - 4 hours for an ionization alarm to activate with toxic smoke too late for many people.
With the cost of photoelectric alarms around $20 & $40 for a 10 year lithium battery alarm how much do you value the life of your family, pets & yourself?
Many rental properties have ionization alarms (up to 70% in housing commission homes) so it worth ask-ing the landlord or rental agent to change it. You need to check the alarm batteries on an annual basis.

  • Heaters are put away for 6 months or more so you need to have it plugged into a surge pro-tector if possible if there is a problem then it will cut in. It is not normally worthwhile to get them repaired so throw out rather than take a chance.
  • Electric blankets should not be left on over-night try & avoid buying second hand elec-trical items if possible.
  • Recharge devices do not leave on overnight, just use during the day since it can overheat.
  • Do not leave I Pads & phones under pillows since this raises the likelihood of fire.
  • Check your alarm once a month by pushing the check button (with a broom handle or you can buy a special probe from LHFSN)
  • If you have Crimsafe as your security screen-ing it can be kicked out but cannot be kicked in worth noting if you are thinking of updat-ing. Should also have one window that can be opened from inside in case of an emergency.
  • Insurance if you cannot afford both at least insure your home if not the contents. This will allow you to have some property to start over again in the worst case—many people who are uninsured have only the clothes they escaped in & no chance of owning their home again.
  • Fire blankets should be in the kitchen size 1.8 x 1.2 are recommended whereas a 1.1 size would not cover your arms if you are trying to smother a fire. Also have one at the BBQ.
  • Extinguishers—have a small one in the car ($15) & a larger one in the kitchen ($70).

Friday, June 12, 2015


Crestmead Community Centre - Café area right side of building
MONDAY June 29th
speaker from Logan Fire House Support Network
Following meeting July 27th subject ICE drug

Friday July 10th 6pm - 8pm
Crestmead Community Centre

Friday July 3rd 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Logan West Community Centre
Wineglass Dr. Hillcrest


Message from The Area Coordinator
What a great talk from Kylie at the Logan City Council Animal Management team at our last meeting. A lot of the information will be produced here but if in any doubt regarding animals in the suburbs then contact the department who will be able to help out. We all learnt so much from the talk & thanks to Kylie & Andrew for attending & giving us such a great evening. Also thanks to Snr Sgt Rob Mulhern who attended so that we could pass on our gift to him prior to his retirement this month. Whoever will take over will have a hard act to follow since Rob has been such a great leader for his station & a huge support to our group. Enjoy your retirement Rob (you are much too young!) & thanks for everything.
Our speaker for next month will be from the Logan Fire House Safety Network & in keeping with that thought remember to have your electrical heaters & electric blankets checked before any more cold weather arrives—it could just save your life! Contact QFES on 13 74 68 (13 QGOV) for a SAFEHOME check - so that a fire fighter can pro-vide much needed information & you will have peace of mind this winter. Or you can book online with the Qld Government website.
June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, it is awful that there is an increase in the amount of emotional & financial abuse. If you suspect some-one you know is experiencing elder abuse contact the Elder Abuse Line on 1300 651 192 for free & confidential advice & support.
Scams aplenty still on the go latest apparently from ATO & Australian Crime Commission contact SCAMWATCH for details & don’t get taken in & fleeced of your hard earned money. Hang up immediately, do not call back, do not give out any personal information & if you are
plagued by phone calls for access to your computer etc contact the Australian Federal Police or the ACCC.
Look forward to meeting you at one of the upcoming events that Logan City Council is holding in the city relating to the future direction of the Safe City program or our next meeting. Take care Geoff

The state government is responsible for regulations for dogs & local government for cats. All animals should be registered & micro-chipped (there are 5 microchip companies in Qld) & don’t forget to update your details when you move home. Fees are $32 for neutered animals & $135 for entire animals so the 70% reduction in fees is really worthwhile! July/August is DESEXPO promotion season when reduced fees are offered by various vet clinics & you will be offered a free microchip & nail clip for your pet. De sexing will reduce the possibility of animals wandering but all should be restrained in your prop-erty for safety & you should check your perimeter fences just to make sure that the dogs cannot escape. Barking collars are not effective & can cause distress to the dogs, think about taking them to behavior sessions look out for the information in your local free paper or the Logan magazine. Dogs that have escaped & caused an injury may be declared a dangerous OR menacing dog & this will incur a fine & possibly seizure. In fact the highest risk for 2 - 10 year old children being bitten by a dog is by their own or a friend's dog. People have the right to be safe in their community.

Disclaimer: ‘The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee it’s accuracy & inter-ested persons should rely on their own enquiries. The views in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Queensland Police Service unless expressly so quoted.

VOLUNTEER FOSTER PROGRAM - Helping out at the animal management centre by undertaking daily walks with the animals, hydrobathing, training & basic cleanliness of the facilities. Training is provided but the centre always needs volunteers if you have some spare time why not help out?

SENIOR PETS FOR SENIOR PEOPLE - If you are the holder of a state or federal seniors card you can have a free dog or cat aged over 5 years. A great companion for older people & the community clinics will do health care discounts.

HEALTH OPERATIONS - Part of the Animal Man-agement section oversees the immunisation, feral pest control, vector control (rats, mice, mosquitoes etc), ants, wasps & spiders. You can apply for 100grams of free rat bait on a quarterly basis from the Administration centres. If you have ponds, dams & water fountains you can apply for free fish to eat mosquitoes it only takes one week to go from egg to an adult mossie (heartworm is an additional result from mossies!) (3412 5318) Cat traps are available from council but Possums are classed as native & not a pest so you have to contact WILDCARE & they will be relocated (not allowed to trap). Dingos are in Logan City & there are a lot of cross breeds out there if affected on your property Council can put a mobile camera out to trace. Weed management is available for declared pest plants & council will pro-vide free quotes for weed removal from private prop-erties on request, (3412 5318). Graffiti management is also included in the services & the normal response time for removal of graffiti is 24 -48 hours (3412 5115) Murals can be painted as a preventative measure &council collaborates with Qld Rail & Main Roads on many projects.

Animal Management centre tours are available to give information on the above services contact, or visit AMC 213 Queens Rd Kingston or ring 3412 5397.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Crestmead Community Centre
Café area right side of building
MONDAY May 25th
speaker from Animal Management Logan

Friday June 12th 6pm - 8pm
Crestmead Community Centre

Friday June 5th 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Logan West Community Centre
Wineglass Dr Hillcrest


Message from The Area Coordinator
Hope that you have all escaped relatively un-scathed from the weather event at the beginning of the month. If only the rain would head out west to help out those on the land. It looked as though the rain would affect our Community Book sale day at Logan West Library but glad to say that it was well supported & we have raised more funds towards community events so thanks to all who participated. We have also been successful with a grant through NHW Australasia so we will be us-ing that for much needed promotional items.
Important news from Police Link via Crestmead Police Station for you all to consider: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) advises that between May & September 2015 they will be conducting an Address Canvassing Exercise. This involves a large number of field officers updating & geo-coding address information within defined geographical areas across Australia. Field Officers will be observing the premises from the footpath & entering the information onto I-Pads. The only premises they will be required to approach to get further information will be hotels, apartment & unit complexes, nursing homes & similar accommodation venues. The field officers will be identifiable by an ABS lanyard & identification card. They may also be wearing a black & red ABS supplied backpack. The field officers will be working 7 days per week during day lights hours. Attendance in the Crestmead division will be somewhere between 4th May - 17th July 2015.

This information may be helpful to alleviate con-cerns from residents if they observe people loiter-ing at the front of their houses. Perhaps you will be good enough to let friends or relatives who do not receive our newsletter know of this survey.
Thanks to the speaker from the Stroke Foundation who gave an extremely interesting talk at our April meeting & don’t forget that we have a speaker from Animal Management for the May meeting. She will be talking about cat enclosures, dog barking & dog attacks & you are more than welcome to come along & ask more questions during the evening. It was good of Councillor Phil Pidgeon to also attend the meeting & bring us up to date with what is happening in the suburb. Large drainage works will be taking place along Chambers Flat Rd in the upcoming months so you may find delays and road closures are inevitable. As usual leave extra time to make your journey, buckle up, use your headlights (not high beam) when driving in the rain & above all be courteous on the road leave that extra distance between you & the vehicle in front.

Volunteer week takes place between May 11th - 17th, & I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who help our community in so many ways. If you are at home with some time on your hands think about how you could help out the people in your suburb in some way. Perhaps deliver-ing meals on wheels, knitting or crocheting clothes for babies or elderly people in hospital or nursing homes, or making pouches for injured or orphaned wildlife. The RSPCA/Logan animal ambulance needs helpers, there is always a need at local schools for people to help children with their reading. How about an hour or so at a local retirement village? many people do not have family nearby to visit and they would welcome a chat and some company. People can be in the middle of the biggest crowd & still be lonely. There are over 6 million volunteers in Australia where would we be without them? A bonus is that volunteering makes you feel good too
& if you are lonely at home wondering what to do with your time there are lots of avenues to explore.
Finally condolences to our valued member Christine on the recent loss of Toby. He was a very vocal & supportive member of the group from the early days & will be sadly missed.
I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. Take care Geoff


Littering damages the environment and is costly to government and the community. It includes cigarette butts, drink bottles, fast food packaging thrown from vehicles and material falling from trailers. There are significant fines for people who litter. These start at $227 but go to $455 for dangerous littering that is likely to harm a person, property or the environment. Examples of dangerous littering include throwing a lit cigarette butt into bushland or long grass, or smashing a glass bottle on a footpath or road verge. Littering may be reported to the Council or the Environmental Protection Agency. Litter coming from a vehicle or trailer may be reported on a mobile device using the link There is also a litter reporting form available online or by contacting the EPA.

Let us try and keep our suburbs clean and tidy it can be Clean Up Australia Day every day if we instil in our younger members of the community how to be proud of the environment it will make their future much better.


Police HQ 200 Roma Street Brisbane 11am-12.30pm


June 28th SCIENTIFIC SECTION—who we are and what we do

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Crestmead Community Centre
Café area right side of building
MONDAY April 27th
Speaker from the Stroke Foundation

MONDAY May 25th
speaker from Animal Management Logan

Friday May 8th 6pm - 8pm
Crestmead Community Centre

Friday May 1st 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Logan West Community Centre
Wineglass Dr. Hillcrest


Message from The Area Coordinator
Thanks to all who attended our Neighbour Day event including the stall holders from Logan Village Rural Fire Brigade running the Little Squirt ride & information about fire safety & changing your smoke alarm batteries, PCYC, Logan City Council, Crimestoppers, Hasina’s face painting, Coffee with James & the Rainbow Connection Choir. Great attendance & I am sure that all the raffle & prize winners from the races & games had a good time. Let’s look to making it a bigger & better event next year, but in the mean-time we are planning to hold a Christmas in July event so will keep you updated with details in the next couple of newsletters. Thanks to Clr Phil Pidgeon for attending & we hope he will soon be able to announce the name for the bandstand lots of entries were handed in on the day. Also a big thanks to our NHW volunteers who did a sterling job with the free sausage sizzle & giving away all the lollies and goodies. It was good to see the guys from the Crestmead Men’s shed on the day which hopefully will be up & running in 2016. Please contact Ron 0437 798 232 for information.
Our next attendance will be at CAOS Crestmead Annual Outdoor Spectacular on Saturday 18th April so please come along & grab some of the information & freebies on the day. PCYC have such a great variety of activities so this will be a good opportunity to see what is on offer 10am –2pm. Then we are having our annual book sale at Logan West Library on Saturday May 2nd & hopefully some of you will come along & support another of our fundraising efforts.
We had a great meeting at the Logan City Council offices in March where we were given a viewing of the camera monitoring room. It is really good to see the great way these cameras are being used to provide safety and security for our city. Thanks to Logan Council for the invitation.
Remember we are selling ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS again this year for $65 so please contact if you would like to purchase a copy or phone Wendy 0410 504 640 they are available in book or phone app form.
Good news that our neighbouring suburb Marsden has reformed the NHW group and we wish them lots of success. I hope you find the myth busters information useful we will include them as & when we can, and I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming meetings or events. Take care Geoff

Annual WAVSS Candlelighting ceremony 6th May 5pm - 6pm at Logan Saints Rugby Park, 200 Queens Road Slacks Creek (plenty of parking available). Come along to show remembrance of people who have been lost to Domestic Violence . To confirm attendance phone 3808 5566 or

Greenbank Rotary High Tea
The recently formed Greenbank Rotary group (satellite of the Rotary Club of Logan) are holding a fundraising High Tea at Greenbank RSL on Sunday May 17th 1.30pm for 2pm. There will be prizes for finest & funniest headwear, raffles, lucky door prize plus hand made jewellery for sale. Funds raised will be divided between Logan Special Olympics helping out the locals who do our city so proud with any of their endeavours, & also Destiny Rescue which Rotary are very supportive of in trying to end child exploitation. For more information please contact Lynn Mathers 0408 233 821 & RSVP can be made to by May 12th with the names of attendees. There will be hot & cold food with tea & coffee plus a cash bar will be available. Cost is $30 per person & will be in the Medallions Room.

Do you think that it is no offence to travel at 80km/h in a 100km /h zone with a string of cars lined up behind you? This is INCORRECT as you can be charged with failing to show due care & consideration. If you are travelling at 80km/h in a 100km/h zone you must pull over (when it is safe to do so) & allow cars to pass. So when should you pull over? Generally common sense prevails if you see 4 or 5 cars behind you that is the time to consider pulling over to allow cars to pass safely. When you think about it if everyone travelled at exactly 100km/h there would be no need for overtaking at all.

This information was from the Bundaberg Road Policing Unit you can find more myths “Busted” on their web link including: merging, roundabouts, smoking in cars with kids, following too close, trailer shackles, just over the limit, railway crossings, unrestrained loads, expired registration stickers, cyclists & pedestrian crossings, power of a stop sign, lane filtering, number plates.

There are free community legal information sessions provided by The Park & Village Information Link
Session 1: Retirement living options know the facts 9.15am - 10am
Session 2: Living in a retirement village 10.15am - 11am Session 3 Living in a manufactured home park 11.15am –noon. The Seniors Legal and Support Service will present session 4 Top tips for avoiding financial exploitation 12.15am to 1pm
To be held at Logan Hyperdome Library, Bryants Road Wednesday 22nd April
Logan Central Library 26 Wilbur Street Wednesday June 16th
Logan West Library Grand Plaza Drive Wednesday June 24th
More information please contact Caxton Legal Centre 3214 6333 email: or visit

Monday, March 9, 2015


6.30pm at Logan City Council Offices
Crestmead Community Centre - Café area right side of building
MONDAY April 27th
Speaker from the Stroke Foundation

MONDAY May 25th
speaker from Animal Management Logan


Message from The Area Coordinator
Our annual Neighbour Day event is being held on Sunday March 29th at Pinnington Park 11am - 2pm & you are all welcome! There will be a free sausage sizzle, drinks available to purchase, free face painting & jumping castle, free rides on the “Little Squirt” truck courtesy of the Logan Village Rural Fire Brigade who will also be available to give information on the “Don’t be an April Fool” campaign to remind people to change their smoke alarm batteries. There will be giveaways, a raffle & the Rainbow Connection will be singing at the new bandstand which we invite you to suggest a name for Councillor Phil Pidgeon will be able to judge the winning entry on the day. Volunteers in Policing will also affix FREE Safe PL8 screws to your rego plates to prevent them being stolen & all the added expense that entails. Other activities planned include a tug of war, some races for the children egg & spoon, sack races etc & all in all a great way to meet new people, renew old friend-ships & take a couple of hours out to reinforce the neighbour ideas of looking out for each other.
Just a reminder that the meeting in April will have a speaker from the Stroke Foundation very important subject & our May meeting will have a speaker from Logan City Council Animal Management team advising on cat enclosures, barking dogs & will also be bringing along a furry friend to help get the message out there!
Finally another message from our local police that people are STILL leaving their vehicles unlocked in driveways or on the street or in parking areas. The theft of items from vehicles is one of the most easiest of crimes to prevent but YOU have to do your bit. Don’t leave valuables on display in cars (that includes the GPS attached to your wind-screen). Do remember to lock your vehicle & when at home remember to lock the doors even in
your driveway but keep the keys hidden from view. If a criminal breaks into your home the keys are very often the first thing they will see & you have lost the vehicle & all it contains. Why make life easy for thieves?
Thanks to Councillor Phil Pidgeon for attending our February meeting & updating us on council information. I was very proud to represent NHW at the recent opening of Woolworths at Marsden on Fifth thanks for the invite! Take care Geoff

Friday March 13th 6pm - 8pm
Crestmead Community Centre

Friday 27th March 6pm - 9pm
All the usual fun of a blue light disco aimed at those who are hearing impaired or from a family who care for a hearing impaired person

Friday May 1st 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Logan West Community Centre
Wineglass Dr. Hillcrest


This event will be held on Saturday 18th April & promises to be another action packed day for all ages. There will be skate displays & competi-tions and lots of stalls to entertain the whole family. Check the local free press, the facebook pages for Crestmead PCYC and NHW Crestmead for more information nearer the date or ring 3805 4100

Police are cracking down on drivers parking in designated disabled spots without the correct permit. There seems too much confusion about who enforces parking infringe-ments in the local area, including car parks in shopping centres. Police & local councils have the authority to enforce parking offences where there is regulated sign-age.
•Disabled parking •Timed parking •Loading zones •No parking signs
– are continually monitored by police & are enforceable, which may result in you being issued with a Traffic Infringement Notice. Disabled parking complaints are easily the biggest complaint received from members of the public. Disabled parking is normally within easy access to buildings or services for easy access in & out of a motor vehicle. It is designed so that those with disabili-ties who have the appropriate permit can reduce the risk of harm to themselves & others to access necessary amenities & enjoy the same lifestyle those who do not have a disability can. It is also important to know that even without a disable sign visible, it is still an offence if the car park has a disabled marking sign painted on the ground.
(1) A driver must not stop in a parking area for people with disabilities unless
(a) the driver’s vehicle displays a current parking permit for people with disabilities; and
(b) the driver complies with the conditions of use of the permit.
In most cases when you are issued with an infringement notice Police & Local Council authorities will document the infringement by photographing the offence & in cases the lack of permits attached to the vehicle . If you have any questions about the rules relating to Queensland roads, information can be sourced from the Department of Transport & Main Roads web page. Alternatively you can have a look at the Transport Operations (Road Use Management-Road Rules) Regulation 2009 or contact your local Police.

Monday, February 16, 2015


Crestmead Community Centre - Café area right side of building
FEBRUARY 23rd 6.30pm

Friday March 13th 6pm - 8pm
Crestmead Community Centre

Friday March 6th 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Logan West Community Centre
Wineglass Dr. Hillcrest

2015 February NEWSLETTER

Message from The Area Coordinator
A huge thanks to all those who supported our Bun-nings BBQ event on February 7th what a great way of interacting with local residents & many thanks to all those who came back for seconds, thirds & more! Thanks to our dedicated band of helpers on the day we could not have done it without you & we are now able to support more events during the year for our community. Thanks to Bunnings for the opportunity & to Caltex who donated much needed ice on the day much appreciated.
With the election now decided hopefully the new government will give plenty of support to our police & to crime prevention. Good luck to the new representatives in the area & thank you in advance for supporting NHW your attendance at our meetings is always welcomed. We said farewell to Desley Scott at our January meeting & presented her with a certificate of appreciation & gift enjoy a much deserved retirement Desley & thanks for supporting us in the past. Thanks too for The Pooch Michael Pucci who supported us in many ways much appreciated.
With school now back in full swing please remember to take care at school areas police are still finding cars speeding through the vicinity aren’t the lives of our youngsters worth a few minutes of your time? See the attached article.
We would like to congratulate Graeme one of the local Volunteers in Policing who is always willing to assist at Crestmead Police Station. He is also a Justice of the Peace & can be very proud of his VIP award. Thanks to all of the volunteers who do safety audits, install Safe PL8 screws for registra-tion plates and much more besides we appreciate all of you. Graeme will be at the February meet-ing at 6pm to install Safe PL8 screws if you are
interested. Our February meeting will have a police officer in attendance to answer your queries and give us a run down on latest news for the area. At the mo-ment leaving vehicles unlocked (even in your own driveway) and leaving valuables in vehicles still seems to be a major problem with criminals all too willing to take your valuables from you SO LOCK IT OR LOSE IT!!
At the end of March we have the Neighbour Day event at Pinnington Park and in conjunction with Councillor Phil Pidgeon are running a competition to name the new bandstand. Come along on the day and enjoy a free sausage sizzle, jumping castle and face painting. We have the Logan Village Rural Fire Brigade with the Little Squirt Ride around the park for our younger residents and will be promoting the “Don’t be an April Fool” message for replacing your smoke alarm batteries will have some for give-aways. We will be selling drinks and also have a monster raffle so Sunday March 29th 11am to 2pm come and meet your local NHW team and other community members. The Rainbow Connection choir will be giving the bandstand it’s initial try out and we look forward to a big crowd on the day.
We have plans to visit the Safety Camera monitoring room for our March meeting so come along to our February meeting for details. At the April meeting we will have a speaker from the Stroke Foundation to provide us all with much needed information it is possible to save someone’s life with the right info could be a stranger or a friend or relative so a very important topic.
Advance notice that we have our annual Community Benefit Book sale at Grand Plaza Library on Saturday May 2nd another very worthwhile event to help our fundraising, to note in your diary.
Take care Geoff

How to prepare your child to walk or bike ride safely to school and back
It is that time of the year when our children are back to school. In some cases walking or riding a bike is the best option to get to school. While this can be fun for your child, you still have to feel assured they are safe while doing it. If you are allowing your children to walk or ride to and from school then here are a few quick tips to help keep them safe.
Choose the safest route possible. It is a great idea to practice riding or walking to school with your child. While on the practice run look out for the hazard spots and then decide which would be the safest route for your child to take.
Teach your child to only cross at intersections. Show your child the intersections to cross at and to always look both ways before crossing. Make sure they always use a pedestrian crossing as a priority point to cross any road.
Arrange for your child to walk with a buddy or as part of an organised walking school bus. It can be fun to walk with a friend, or with an organised walking school bus. It also helps everyone feel more safe.
Never get into a strangers car. Make sure you advise your child to never talk to strangers and never get into a strangers car.
Always obey traffic signs and lights. Traffic lights are there to keep you safe.
Reassure your child daily. Discuss the route your child will take to school daily. This allows your child to have a clear understanding of what is happening for his/her trip to and from school.
Have a family password. As a family decide on a secret word, that is only known by your family and is easy to remember. If plans change and a friend was to pick up your child, then they would need to disclose the family password before your child went with them. This allows your child to feel safe with the new arrangements.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Crestmead Community Centre

 Café area right side of building


JANUARY 26th 6.30pm 

 NHW VISION - Strong & connected Qld Communities
NHW MISSION – Volunteering, Diversity Partnerships, Accountability & Transparency
NHW VALUES - Individuals, families, businesses & communities working together

Friday February 13th 6pm—8pm

See below for details of activities from PCYC & some of our upcoming events this year

2015 Januarry NEWSLETTER

Message from The Area Coordinator
Apart from wishing you all a healthy, safe & happy new year I should start by an apology for all those who were looking  forward to the  Crestmead Community Carols on December 6th.  Unfortunately the rain just made the event too difficult to stage & we are sorry for all those who were disappointed.  So much effort had been put into the event that it was a hard decision to make but since the weather map looked very ominous for the rest of the day it was just not worth taking the risk as it happened we only got a few odd showers but we had to decide at lunchtime. However instead we hope to hold a family fun day in Pinnington Park on Sunday March 29th to celebrate Neighbour Day.  There will be a free sausage sizzle, jumping castle & other activities.  The raffle we had started for the carols event will be drawn then, so if you would like tickets please contact by email or come along to our meetings or at the Bunnings BBQ fundraiser on February 7th at the Browns Plains store.  Next newsletter we will have information about our activities and speakers planned for the year including cyber safety, stroke prevention amongst others.
We will not be undertaking as many events as last year e.g. the Crestmead Week of Action and Road Safety Expo but let us know what sort of things you would like in this community.
Please note that you can now report minor traffic crashes via the Qld Police Link smart phone app or online to save having to wait for the police to attend. See for details There are a large number of forms on line which you can complete for many subjects to save having to attend the police    station so take a look. Remember that after these few quiet weeks on the roads that schools return on January 27th and that 40 kph limits will be enforced in the school areas. With the reduced roll toll in 2014 let us work to reduce that figure even more in 2015. There were 48 fewer deaths last year but more hospitalised casualties and we all know that many casualties will carry their injuries for the rest of their lives affecting not only themselves but their family and friends also. Take care and stay safe Geoff

Lots of events at PCYC so contact them for details if any of the items interest you we have such a great community hub at Crestmead Park with the PCYC, Community Centre, Skate Bowl, Dog walking area (on and off leash), bike track for   children learning to ride their bikes off the actual main roads, picnic tables and bbq’s we are very lucky and should take advantage of  what other areas would love to have use of.  Phone 3805 4100