Saturday, May 16, 2015


Message from The Area Coordinator
Hope that you have all escaped relatively un-scathed from the weather event at the beginning of the month. If only the rain would head out west to help out those on the land. It looked as though the rain would affect our Community Book sale day at Logan West Library but glad to say that it was well supported & we have raised more funds towards community events so thanks to all who participated. We have also been successful with a grant through NHW Australasia so we will be us-ing that for much needed promotional items.
Important news from Police Link via Crestmead Police Station for you all to consider: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) advises that between May & September 2015 they will be conducting an Address Canvassing Exercise. This involves a large number of field officers updating & geo-coding address information within defined geographical areas across Australia. Field Officers will be observing the premises from the footpath & entering the information onto I-Pads. The only premises they will be required to approach to get further information will be hotels, apartment & unit complexes, nursing homes & similar accommodation venues. The field officers will be identifiable by an ABS lanyard & identification card. They may also be wearing a black & red ABS supplied backpack. The field officers will be working 7 days per week during day lights hours. Attendance in the Crestmead division will be somewhere between 4th May - 17th July 2015.

This information may be helpful to alleviate con-cerns from residents if they observe people loiter-ing at the front of their houses. Perhaps you will be good enough to let friends or relatives who do not receive our newsletter know of this survey.
Thanks to the speaker from the Stroke Foundation who gave an extremely interesting talk at our April meeting & don’t forget that we have a speaker from Animal Management for the May meeting. She will be talking about cat enclosures, dog barking & dog attacks & you are more than welcome to come along & ask more questions during the evening. It was good of Councillor Phil Pidgeon to also attend the meeting & bring us up to date with what is happening in the suburb. Large drainage works will be taking place along Chambers Flat Rd in the upcoming months so you may find delays and road closures are inevitable. As usual leave extra time to make your journey, buckle up, use your headlights (not high beam) when driving in the rain & above all be courteous on the road leave that extra distance between you & the vehicle in front.

Volunteer week takes place between May 11th - 17th, & I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who help our community in so many ways. If you are at home with some time on your hands think about how you could help out the people in your suburb in some way. Perhaps deliver-ing meals on wheels, knitting or crocheting clothes for babies or elderly people in hospital or nursing homes, or making pouches for injured or orphaned wildlife. The RSPCA/Logan animal ambulance needs helpers, there is always a need at local schools for people to help children with their reading. How about an hour or so at a local retirement village? many people do not have family nearby to visit and they would welcome a chat and some company. People can be in the middle of the biggest crowd & still be lonely. There are over 6 million volunteers in Australia where would we be without them? A bonus is that volunteering makes you feel good too
& if you are lonely at home wondering what to do with your time there are lots of avenues to explore.
Finally condolences to our valued member Christine on the recent loss of Toby. He was a very vocal & supportive member of the group from the early days & will be sadly missed.
I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events. Take care Geoff


Littering damages the environment and is costly to government and the community. It includes cigarette butts, drink bottles, fast food packaging thrown from vehicles and material falling from trailers. There are significant fines for people who litter. These start at $227 but go to $455 for dangerous littering that is likely to harm a person, property or the environment. Examples of dangerous littering include throwing a lit cigarette butt into bushland or long grass, or smashing a glass bottle on a footpath or road verge. Littering may be reported to the Council or the Environmental Protection Agency. Litter coming from a vehicle or trailer may be reported on a mobile device using the link There is also a litter reporting form available online or by contacting the EPA.

Let us try and keep our suburbs clean and tidy it can be Clean Up Australia Day every day if we instil in our younger members of the community how to be proud of the environment it will make their future much better.


Police HQ 200 Roma Street Brisbane 11am-12.30pm


June 28th SCIENTIFIC SECTION—who we are and what we do