Friday, June 12, 2015


Message from The Area Coordinator
What a great talk from Kylie at the Logan City Council Animal Management team at our last meeting. A lot of the information will be produced here but if in any doubt regarding animals in the suburbs then contact the department who will be able to help out. We all learnt so much from the talk & thanks to Kylie & Andrew for attending & giving us such a great evening. Also thanks to Snr Sgt Rob Mulhern who attended so that we could pass on our gift to him prior to his retirement this month. Whoever will take over will have a hard act to follow since Rob has been such a great leader for his station & a huge support to our group. Enjoy your retirement Rob (you are much too young!) & thanks for everything.
Our speaker for next month will be from the Logan Fire House Safety Network & in keeping with that thought remember to have your electrical heaters & electric blankets checked before any more cold weather arrives—it could just save your life! Contact QFES on 13 74 68 (13 QGOV) for a SAFEHOME check - so that a fire fighter can pro-vide much needed information & you will have peace of mind this winter. Or you can book online with the Qld Government website.
June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, it is awful that there is an increase in the amount of emotional & financial abuse. If you suspect some-one you know is experiencing elder abuse contact the Elder Abuse Line on 1300 651 192 for free & confidential advice & support.
Scams aplenty still on the go latest apparently from ATO & Australian Crime Commission contact SCAMWATCH for details & don’t get taken in & fleeced of your hard earned money. Hang up immediately, do not call back, do not give out any personal information & if you are
plagued by phone calls for access to your computer etc contact the Australian Federal Police or the ACCC.
Look forward to meeting you at one of the upcoming events that Logan City Council is holding in the city relating to the future direction of the Safe City program or our next meeting. Take care Geoff

The state government is responsible for regulations for dogs & local government for cats. All animals should be registered & micro-chipped (there are 5 microchip companies in Qld) & don’t forget to update your details when you move home. Fees are $32 for neutered animals & $135 for entire animals so the 70% reduction in fees is really worthwhile! July/August is DESEXPO promotion season when reduced fees are offered by various vet clinics & you will be offered a free microchip & nail clip for your pet. De sexing will reduce the possibility of animals wandering but all should be restrained in your prop-erty for safety & you should check your perimeter fences just to make sure that the dogs cannot escape. Barking collars are not effective & can cause distress to the dogs, think about taking them to behavior sessions look out for the information in your local free paper or the Logan magazine. Dogs that have escaped & caused an injury may be declared a dangerous OR menacing dog & this will incur a fine & possibly seizure. In fact the highest risk for 2 - 10 year old children being bitten by a dog is by their own or a friend's dog. People have the right to be safe in their community.

Disclaimer: ‘The information contained herein has been obtained from sources we deem to be reliable, however we cannot guarantee it’s accuracy & inter-ested persons should rely on their own enquiries. The views in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Queensland Police Service unless expressly so quoted.

VOLUNTEER FOSTER PROGRAM - Helping out at the animal management centre by undertaking daily walks with the animals, hydrobathing, training & basic cleanliness of the facilities. Training is provided but the centre always needs volunteers if you have some spare time why not help out?

SENIOR PETS FOR SENIOR PEOPLE - If you are the holder of a state or federal seniors card you can have a free dog or cat aged over 5 years. A great companion for older people & the community clinics will do health care discounts.

HEALTH OPERATIONS - Part of the Animal Man-agement section oversees the immunisation, feral pest control, vector control (rats, mice, mosquitoes etc), ants, wasps & spiders. You can apply for 100grams of free rat bait on a quarterly basis from the Administration centres. If you have ponds, dams & water fountains you can apply for free fish to eat mosquitoes it only takes one week to go from egg to an adult mossie (heartworm is an additional result from mossies!) (3412 5318) Cat traps are available from council but Possums are classed as native & not a pest so you have to contact WILDCARE & they will be relocated (not allowed to trap). Dingos are in Logan City & there are a lot of cross breeds out there if affected on your property Council can put a mobile camera out to trace. Weed management is available for declared pest plants & council will pro-vide free quotes for weed removal from private prop-erties on request, (3412 5318). Graffiti management is also included in the services & the normal response time for removal of graffiti is 24 -48 hours (3412 5115) Murals can be painted as a preventative measure &council collaborates with Qld Rail & Main Roads on many projects.

Animal Management centre tours are available to give information on the above services contact, or visit AMC 213 Queens Rd Kingston or ring 3412 5397.