Wednesday, October 8, 2014

2014 October NEWSLETTER

Message from The Area Coordinator
A look over your shoulder and it seems like the beginning of 2014 & this year we have had a very packed year of events. Our Road Safety Expo will be held on October 19th 10am - 4pm at Waller Park Browns Plains & is set to entertain & inform with a range of organisations to help us with safety on our roads. No matter how long you have been driving you can still gain valuable information to remain safe on our roads & our younger population will be quite surprised with the range of guidance available. Even our youngest are catered for with face painting, jumping castle, Little Squirt supervised rides & the Safety Truck from the Australian Truck Association has a cart track, activity tables and colouring books to occupy them. Look out for the posters & banners which are appearing in the Logan district and for those who need to have Safe PL8 screws affixed to their vehicles there will be Volunteers in Policing providing this service. Even those who use 2 wheels will be helped with Cycling Qld & their Jayco Trailer plus the Australian Skateboarding Community Initiative will be supported by Drawing Boards who will give plenty of info to up & coming skateboarders & scooter riders.
The best news of all is the event is free so I hope you will be able to come along to enjoy the day with food & drink available.
Don’t forget the last Grey Light disco of the year with a rock & roll theme October 24th 6pm to 9pm, cost $10 which includes BBQ dinner with tea/coffee & lucky door prize. Also a prize for best dressed rock & roller.
The sold out fundraising for cancer charities High Tea is being held the following day so a big month ahead - the Halloween theme Blue Light Disco is on October 10th 6pm-8pm prep to grade 7 - cost $5 non members $4 members. More info for all - 3805 4100.
Our last meeting of the year will be in November and combines the end of year social with our AGM so please come along to our new venue - the café area of the Community Centre which will soon be getting a facelift. Also we congratulate the PCYC in their recent successful grant application to get more equipment
to provide facilities for our ever growing suburb. Our annual state NHW conference is being held at Caloundra this year & I have been fortunate to be nominated for the district award - it will be an informative time with the future direction of NHW being foremost but we need to hear from our local residents as to what they would like from the group.
Please email me or comment on the facebook page if you would like to make a suggestion & we hope to have plenty of events next year to inform you of safety measures we can all take to feel more secure in our lives.
The continuing theft of motor vehicles from homes is a big worry but one that can be curtailed if only people make sure they lock their vehicles BUT IMPORTANTLY do not leave keys in plain sight for thieves to steal if they break into your home - we must all do our bit to put the criminal out of business. Two engine immobilisers will be given away at the expo thanks to the Logan City Council.
Take care Geoff

Toll Group for their huge donation to bring the Safety Truck to the expo. Bendigo Bank for a successful grant & local state members of parliament Michael Pucci & Desley Scott.
Logan City Mayor Pam Parker, Councillors Phil Pidgeon & Cherie Dalley for their kind donations and to Logan City Council.
Also to all the stakeholders who will be attending the event & for the support they have given this very important subject - do not only think of fatalities when crashes occur - there are always the ruined lives afterwards who never recover & for the families & friends who will have to spend their lives looking after those with preventable injuries.
Also all the emergency services who have the task of rescuing, attending to & clearing up after any of these incidents - they have to go home to their families and act as if it were just another day - except for some it isn’t.
Finally a very big pat on the back to all those who have worked hard to get the expo to this stage - the committee members, the QPS & others who are giving up valuable time to help our community - YOU ARE SO VERY MUCH APPRECIATED - thank you!

  • Buy Nothing New Month
  • Walktober
  • Dogtober (assistance dogs month)
  • Mental health week –5th—12th
  • Anti Poverty week 12th—18th
  • Carer’s week 12th –18th
  • Eat Local—feed Global 12th –20th
  • World Food Day 16th