Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014 August NEWSLETTER

Message from The Area Coordinator
A very busy month ahead for August and we hope to see some of you at our upcom-ing events. Please note that we are run-ning a raffle at the week of action stalls - prizes include a family pass to Kingston Park Raceway (value over $400), a gift voucher kindly donated by Logan City Council & an Entertainment Book which has over $20000 worth of savings - so please support our group - tickets $1 each or 3 for $2.
A big thanks to Councillor Phil Pidgeon for his very kind donation to enable us to purchase a Tablet computer which we can use at outdoor events. Also for funds to-wards our printing costs which bring the monthly newsletter to you. Thanks too for Browns Plains Good Guys for giving us such a good deal & supporting Crestmead NHW - please in turn support them when thinking of purchasing electrical goods.
Following on from our speaker from the Office of Fair Trading in June, please be advised that the ACCC will be sending out 400 letters per fortnight to consumers warning them that they may be the target of a relationship scammer. This is in a bid to protect the thousands of people who are affected & lose over $25 million a year. There is also the problem that some scammers are sending out advice that they can get your money back for you in these relationship scams - DO NOT BE FOOLED THIS IS ALSO A SCAM!! For up to date information see
Take care Geoff

August 25th - 30th

Crestmead NHW is pleased to be joining with Queensland Police Service & Logan City Council in a new initiative to be held at the end of the month. There will be a range of free & exciting activities for residents with something to interest everyone.
During the week there will be stalls at the Crestmead Central (Waratah Drive) & Julie Street shops manned by representatives from various organisations including Crimestop-pers, PCYC, QPS & Logan City Council to en-able you to make yourself & your property safe and secure.

Volunteers in Policing will be available to fit Safe PL8 screws to your cars & give out very handy hints regarding security at home. We hope also to have some door guards to fix to security screens which will make your homes safer.

On Saturday 30th August there will be a free picnic in Pinnington Park which will be an opportunity for families to come together & enjoy a range of free entertainment & activities.

Our next Bunnings BBQ is on Sunday August 24th - hope to see you there!

Our next NHW meeting will have Logan City Safe representative to give updates on safety initiatives for our area and a few giveaways.
Come and say g’day and meet Councillor Phil Pidgeon & QPS at Kensington Fair Bakery Julie St 10am to 2pm Friday 29th August.

How well do you know your suburb? The area was first settled in 1885 by a group of Swedish settlers. In December 1885 the area which is now Crestmead Industrial Estate was first used growing potatoes, turnips, oats & maize, also used for grazing cattle horses. Mans Trulson had a slab house with a shingle roof in the area now used by St Francis College. John and George Hubner started agricultural farm selections around 1893, so you can see where a couple of the road names come from! Crestmead School was opened in 1984 (happy birthday) and Crestmead was gazetted in 1987 although part of the suburb was under the area of Marsden until a few years later.
It is populated by one of the most varied ethnic mixes & over 30% of the population was born overseas. There are almost 12000 residents (sorry we cannot get this newsletter to all homes!) out of a population of over 300,000 in Logan City. With 60% of residents aged 34 & under it is also one of the “youngest” suburbs - hence a lot of schools & activities aimed at younger people - PCYC is a good place to start if you are looking for things to do.
A very interesting fact is that almost 12% of the population volunteers for a group or organisation & another 11% undertake unpaid care, help or assistance to family members or others. With a further almost 37% caring for children (their own or others) in an unpaid capacity. Just goes to show what a caring suburb we are and a little help goes a long way.
This information was provided on the Logan City Council website and ABS website.