Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Message from The Area Coordinator
I hope all those who attended the Crestmead Annual Outdoor Spectacular on May 11th had a great time - pity about the wet weather but great effort for all those involved from PCYC and other organisations. On the subject of our younger members of the community don’t forget the BRAKING THE CYCLE program which will assist those who need to achieve their 100 log book hours - contact PCYC for further information, what a great scheme and if any of you qualified drivers wish to help out there are places for those who are willing to volunteer their time to mentor. All insurances are paid and use of a PCYC vehicle is provided. The Statistics this month are worrying simply due to the fact that multiple offences are occurring in the same streets/neighbourhoods.
If you see something happening or you are concerned about strangers in the vicinity not looking as though they are in the right place for the right reason, contact POLICE LINK - not everyone is out at work when offences are committed. In fact according to an ADT report in 2012 22% of burglaries happen when someone is at home. What a worrying statistic and just goes to show that we can do more to protect our property, just simple measures can make all the difference. Contact the local Volunteers in Policing at Crestmead Police Station if you need assistance in a safety audit, marking items for identification or for safe plate screws to be added to your vehicle registration plates to prevent them being stolen and used in petrol drive offs, or more serious crimes. DON’T FORGET WE ALL PAY FOR THE COST OF CRIME THROUGH INCREASED INSURANCE PREMIUMS.
The inaugural Logan Police Officer of the Year awards sponsored by Logan Rotary will have been held by the time this newsletter is printed and distributed so to the worthy winner, many  congratulations and thanks for doing such a wonderful job - that goes to all our boys and girls in blue who have to put up with so much in their day to day lives.
Lots of special days/weeks/months out there at the moment. Of course there was volunteer week at the beginning of May - there are so many organisations which need helpers so if you have some spare time do get out and offer your time. (see overleaf re VIP).
The RSPCA are holding their MILLION PAWS WALK at Logan Gardens on May 19th - great to have a local event. NATIONAL WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY on May 24th though of course we should recognise that every day should be safe for walking anywhere! Then FATALITY FREE FRIDAY ON May 31st - once again we should aim for every day to be fatality free although I am afraid with the road toll this year we are still losing too many people to needless incidents. May also marks the DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS month when communities are encouraged to learn and recognise the signs of domestic violence- see article attached. Logan Council are putting on the LOGAN ECO ACTION FESTIVAL - LEAF on Sunday June 2nd at Griffith University.
With the recent sad story of a young pupil at a local school committing suicide due to bullying and other people who are suffering in silence due to depression amongst other things, please take the time to speak to your children/relatives and friends. Sometimes people just need a friendly chat - we all lead busy lives but those few minutes can make all the difference so be there for them when they need you. More about RUOK day in a future newsletter. In the meantime take care Geoff


Of course it is not alright for any type of violence - domestic (physical or sexual), elder, emotional, economic or psychological abuse or if inflicted on youngsters or animals. The recent event to
commemorate those whose lives have been affected by domestic violence shows that the numbers of offences are increasing and we must do all we can to prevent this type of situation from spiralling out of control. If you or someone you know is dealing with anger issues make sure that they are referred
to the appropriate area for help - medical practitioners and counsellors are much better accessed than having the police & authorities being involved.
Substance & alcohol abuse, financial pressures and relationship breakdowns can all contribute. It is a well established fact that those who have violence perpetrated on them as younger members of society will go on to do the same to others later in life. Nip this problem in the bud and do not stand
by a partner - male or female - for the sake of the children/animals or with the excuse he/she didn’t mean it or it was a ‘one off’. It NEVER is and can cause so much damage and heartbreak, so if you
hear neighbours in such a situation let the police know or report to Crime Watch Logan. We must all do our bit to prevent crime and this is as awful as most crimes currently committed.
For those who need someone to talk to please contact DV CONNECT Womensline 1800 811 811 or the Mensline 1800 600 636. You can also contact WAVSS on 3808 5566 or