Thursday, January 17, 2013

NEWSLETTER January 2013

Message from The Area Coordinator
Welcome to another year - hope that you are managing to keep cool and relaxed during this very hot spell. Don’t forget if you have elderly neighbours to keep an eye on them. Many people shut their homes up for security and in this weather there can be tragic consequences with the lack of fresh air. Remember too that our pets need plenty of shade and fresh water - their cooling systems are different to ours and if on a chain dogs can knock over a bowl of water and then be left with nothing - leave a few containers to prevent this problem. Of course NEVER leave children or pets unattended in a parked car - winding the windows down does not help & even a couple of minutes can have disastrous results.
Our AGM resulted in a few new members of the committee and we are hoping to have a wide range of events this year which will benefit the whole community. Come along to our next meeting and join in. If you are interested in a day time meeting email or ring me and we will try and arrange a convenient day and time which may suit those who are unable to attend an evening meeting.
Crime didn’t take a holiday and so we must make it more difficult for the criminals to steal our possessions or cause damage. Contact your local police station for help in engraving your items, a safety audit or for safe plate screws for your vehicle registration plates.
Enjoy our Australia Day weekend and I hope to see some of you at our next meeting on Monday January 28th at Crestmead PCYC, Gimlet Street.
Take care Geoff

Do you have some spare time on your hands or do you want to get out and meet more people?
There are many organisations who would appreciate your help by giving some time to help in whatever way you can.
Of current interest of course is the bushfire danger so if you would be prepared to help out in the Rural Fire Brigade or with State Emergency Service there are always possibilities to help. Even if you don’t feel that you can get out to tarp a roof or use a chainsaw there are other areas to consider - radio operator, welfare (making drinks & sandwiches etc).
SES: 1300 369 003
RFS: 3381 7122
Meals on Wheels - always a need for people to deliver the food (drivers and assistants) as well as in the kitchen - could be just one day a month that would make a difference.
Meals on Wheels: 3808 2312 (Logan Central) 0410 692 147 (Logan West)
School P&C’s are always looking for help in the tuckshop - just a few hours would assist greatly in making sure our youngsters get some good food each day. There may be help needed to read to some children or assist with general fundraising activities to enable the school to provide more facilities and activities for our youngsters.
P&C - contact your local school Charity shops always need volunteers for sorting goods and/or selling items. There are many about so just give them a call.
If you don’t want to leave home there are the organisations that allow you to make calls to people just for a friendly chat - it would make such a difference to some lonely people who are not able to leave home, and make sure they are ok. Even once a week could make such a difference to a person who is isolated.
Red Cross operates the telechat scheme 1300 885 698 or
Community Visitors Scheme there are many elderly people living in the Logan area who do not have a support network of family or friends and can find themselves feeling alone even residing in an aged care home. Many residents have limited interaction with the outside world and are left feeling increasingly lonely. Your visit could make such a difference.
Community Visitor Scheme: 3808 7233
Volunteers in Policing, Neighbourhood Watch - always looking for more people in the community to help make our area safer and to join in with our community events.
VIP’s - contact your local police station
NHW - or phone 0431 478 343
Other groups needing volunteers include—local hospital auxillary, RSPCA, charity organisations, PCYC, foodbanks, there is likely to be something somewhere that can do with your time and efforts - just give them a call.

Remember to lock your vehicles even whilst in your driveway. There are many sneak thieves who will try and gain entry to your home whilst you are indoors - watching tv, having a snooze or whilst in the garden. Therefore ensure that your security doors are always locked even when you are indoors. Windows should be left open to allow breeze but not allowing entry from outside. Consider
Crimsafe mesh, window locks etc. Move garbage bins, boxes etc from possible access points (gates, fences, underneath open windows etc.) There is no need to feel a prisoner in your own home—just take sensible precautions from allowing a thief easy access—they can be quick and quiet and cause untold heartache.
Your local police station or insurance company will give you further information.