Monday, September 19, 2011


Message from The Area Coordinator
I am very pleased that we have been able to arrange our next meeting at the Crestmead Police station and the speaker will be from the Forensic Unit. We will be able to learn what to do to help preserve a crime scene if an offence is committed against us I am sure we don’t believe all that they show on the TV!!
It is sad to learn that the majority of car thefts are from those built in 2000 or earlier and these do not have modern security devices fitted, therefore are easy targets. We should do all we can to limit the possibility of theft. Cars should not be left unlocked outside homes obvious but done so often. Most vehicles being stolen in Crestmead are from suburban streets and not from shopping centre car parks. Be encouraged to park off the street where possible and make the car thief unable to target YOUR car!
The revamped PCYC Blue Light disco now on the second Friday instead of the first Saturday of the month saw over 150 youngsters enjoy themselves. Let us hope this trend continues see article overleaf.
Our next community gathering will be on Sunday 30th October between 10am and 2pm at Pinnington Park and will be supported by our local councillor Phil Pidgeon.
We hope to have displays & a jumping castle for the children. There will be a free sausage sizzle & drinks for sale plus a raffle so please come along & support your local NHW group who support your local community.
Bushfire season will soon be upon us with temperatures heading to the 30’s before the end of the month. We must do all we can to assist the local emergency services in reducing the possibility of any bushfires in the area jumping from the bush into residential areas. We live in such a wonderful area bordered by beautiful bush land we have to be prepared for these events and not wait until events actually happen and it is too late. Also now is the time to get our yards cleaned up for storm
season it is likely we could have some bad storms again this year and we should have learned after last summer what Mother Nature can do!
Look forward to seeing you at one of our future meetings or events, take care Geoff

Police are reminding motorists, residents and business owners that as the temperature rises they still need to secure their property or risk losing it. The Lock it or Lose it campaign aims to educate and remind members of the community to secure their homes, businesses and vehicles to avoid so called opportunistic thieves and sneak breaks.
Anecdotal information suggests that opportunistic thieves strike homes and businesses where doors and windows are left unsecured enabling easy access, or where valuable items are left in plain view.
People should ensure their property is locked and secure when they leave the home, business or vehicle.
It only takes a matter of minutes for thieves to sneak in through an open door or window and steal wallets, handbags and other small expensive items.
For example a remote control roller door opener being stolen from an unlocked car parked in the street, enabling thieves’ easy access to the house.
We are hoping to educate people about the importance of reducing their risk of falling victim to sneak breaks and opportunistic thieves by ensuring they lock up and secure their property and vehicles, as well as not leaving valuable items where they may attract attention.
Property descriptions, including serial numbers should be recorded to assist police in identifying owners and property recovery. There are a number of measures people can adopt to protect their property:
-Make locking external doors and windows a habit, even when you are in your premises or out in the yard. Those who occupy multi -residence dwellings should be aware that offenders can gain access by climbing balconies;
-Ensure any doors or windows left open for ventilation during the hot summer months have the necessary security devices fitted;
-Objectively view your premises and conduct a basic security survey.
Identify vulnerable areas and increase security where necessary;
-Take an inventory for all items of value including electrical goods,
recording their brand, colour, model and serial number;
-Photograph your valuables and size jewellery against a ruler or match
box to assist in determining size;
-To deter thieves engrave or mark your property with a code made up
of your initials, your date of birth as six digits and Q for Queensland.
Police can record this code on their computer system to assist in property recovery;
-Install security sensor lights and fit appropriate locks especially to those doors or windows hidden from public view;
-Place items such as cash, wallets, laptops and mobile phones out of sight, as these are targeted, quick to remove and dispose of by offenders;
-Make sure tools and ladders are kept in a secure place – offenders often use garden equipment and wheelie bins to break into premises;
-Car owners should ensure their vehicle is always locked and secured, even at home, with any valuables such as GPS placed out of sight.
Additional information can be located at the Queensland Police Service web sit at, then look under ‘programs’ and ‘Community Safety and Crime Prevention’


The first ever Crestmead PCYC Blue Light Disco went very well with over 150 young people
attending and participating in a fun night. There was a dance competition along with other games
and giveaways. New DJ Duncan had all the latest music for the young people. Next month
the disco will be held on October 14th, and there will be a Halloween theme with a best dressed
competition up for grabs. Entry is $4 for PCYC members and $5 for non members and all young
people from prep to Grade 7 are welcome. All enquiries to Crestmead PCYC 3805 4100.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 30th 10am - 2pm

You are all welcome to our next community event in Pinnington Park at the end of October hopefully a nice sunny day and one where you will be able to get to meet and greet friends (old and new). There will be a free sausage sizzle, drinks for sale and local councilor Phil Pidgeon will be on hand.

1st Saturday of the Month 10am to 2pm
New Stall holders welcome please contact 3805 1423