Wednesday, November 30, 2011


First NHW meeting for 2012
Monday January 30th 6.30pm
Speaker from KIDSAFE
Demonstrations regarding 
child restraints,
baby capsules,
baby slings,
driveway safety


Message from The Area Coordinator
Thank you to all those who came along to our very successful community day on October 30th and what a great day we had. The displays were all very much appreciated and I am sure have given us much to think about. The burning kitchen in particular by Qld Fire and Rescue was a timely reminder that it is so easy for a pot on the stove to catch fire and in fact we were very grateful for one of the free fire blankets donated by Bunnings as giveaways for our own ‘’small problem ’’ on the bbq where our hose connection caught fire! BE WARNED!!

The other displays by the QFRS relating to the upcoming Bushfire season had a lot of very important information and can I please take this opportunity to remind you before you head off on holiday to clear your gutters and debris around your home it will just take an ember to start a fire and don’t forget we are surrounded by beautiful bush in our wonderful suburb. As our Mayor Pam Parker is always saying Logan is the heart of South East Queensland perhaps we should consider that Crestmead is the heart of Logan.

The KIDSAFE display was amazing and for those who missed it we will be having that for our first meeting of the year see overleaf. We would like to thank the girls from the Logan Thunder WNBL team for coming along and having a great time showing some of their skills to the children we must also thank the Logan Thunder for their generous donation of raffle prizes. Finally thank you to all of you who came along to support us then and during the year. It has been great to have the support of
our members, other committee members and the residents of the suburb during my time as area coordinator. It will be time to step down at the AGM and I encourage any of you who wish to take part in what is going on in your suburb to make a difference. I would also like to thank the Qld Police who have been such a great support to the group and who do such a great job.

In closing please take care on the roads, water and in your everyday lives we want you all to be here next year so have a wonderful festive season and be kind to one another. You are only here once so make the best of life that you can
Take care Geoff

Be prepared
· Have an emergency kit on hand including a battery operated radio, torch and spare
· Keep a list of emergency numbers handy
· Secure loose items in your yard
· Keep downpipes and guttering clear
· Store poisons above ground level in case of flash floods
· Stay inside and shelter clear of windows
· Listen to your radio for storm updates
· If outdoors find safe shelter
· Do not shelter under trees or metal structures
· Ensure pets are safe
· Check your house for damage
· Beware of fallen power lines
· Check trees for damage and stability
· Check on neighbours

Include your animals in household emergency plans
Properly identify your pets (name tag, microchip or band)
Be aware that some evacuation centres may not accept animals - plan alternatives
If moving animals to a safe place do so early to avoid unnecessary risk
Ensure there is access to plenty of food and water
If staying at home secure animals in good time so that they do not take flight
If you have to leave pets behind, if possible leave pets indoors and place pets in
separate rooms with small or no windows
Provide adequate food and water in large heavy bowls
If left outside do not tie them up.


The final disco for the year will be held on December 9th, so come and make the Christmas
one an evening to remember. Lots of prizes, food and fun for all. Entry is $4 for PCYC members
and $5 for non members and all young people from prep to Grade 7 are welcome. All enquiries
to Crestmead PCYC 3805 4100.


DAD’S PLAYGROUP STARTING SOON!! We are pleased that the new group will be running by
the end of November please contact the Community Centre 3805 1423 for details

COMMUNITY CAFE is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm.
There is a small café, free computer and internet use, free community meeting space, resource library, free workshops, classes and demonstrations

Sunday between 3pm to 5pm find support & friendship with other families & carers

MARKET DAY Saturday December 3rd 10 - 2
Decorate your stall with a Christmas theme come along and pick up a Christmas bargain.
Sausage sizzle available and the café will be open for food and drinks.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Next Meeting at Crestmead PCYC
Speakers from Qld Fire and Rescue
Monday October 31st 6.30pm

AGM & End of Year Social
Monday November 28th 6.30pm

Friday NOVEMBER 11th 6.00 pm
Crestmead Community Centre
Free sausage sizzle, jumping castle,
Meet Logan Thunder basketball team,
Logan Council, Qld Fire and Rescue,
Kidsafe, PCYC and more

AGM 2011

NHW AGM 28/11/2011

Please note:
The November meeting will be your chance to vote (or stand) for the committee 
so don’t forget to contact the secretary for a nomination form.
The AGM will be followed by our end of year party.


Message from The Area Coordinator
The recent spate of storms reminds us that we are well into storm season and some parts of the state have also been badly affected by bushfires. For that reason the Community Day on Sunday October 30th will feature plenty of information for helping you to prepare for what to do to protect your family and home and possessions.
We also have the Community City Safe Officer from Logan City Council who will be able to provide informa-tion on a wide range of topics relating to the safety as-pects at railway stations to the safety for seniors program that is about to be introduced throughout the city.
The Queensland Fire and Rescue Service will be able to give information on what to do to make our homes safer with the photoelectric version of the smoke alarms and we will be giving some away. They will also be display-ing just how easily a pot left on the stove can catch alight with their burning kitchen display it is truly amazing!
Have you worked out what to do should a storm or bush-fire hit? Have you got an emergency kit prepared? We can show you what you need to do and have copies of the plans you need.
You will have noticed the recent media reports regarding the accidents relating to children who have been hit by vehicles in the driveways of their homes we have a representative from Kidsafe the child accident prevention foundation of Australia to give some useful hints relating to car safety and also the best type of car seats to have.
There will be a jumping castle as well as a small car for the children to ride around the park. We will have a free sausage sizzle and free tea and coffee with cold drinks for sale. There will be a raffle, giveaways and an appearance by members of the Logan Thunder Basketball Team. Our local councilor Phil Pidgeon will be dropping in and of course there will be information on Neighbourhood Watch as well as PCYC amongst other things.
I have just got back from the state NHW rally where the general view seems to be more in line with our way of engaging with the community rather than just a crime reporting group. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday October 30th or at our next meeting which will feature speakers from the Fire Service to underline the safety message. Take care Geoff

Bushfire Season
Given Logan's leafy areas and large areas of natural bushland, bushfire is a potential threat, particularly in dry years.
  • Prepare an emergency kit
  • If possible, make a firebreak around your home (use mower, rake, spade), and trim branches well clear of the house
  • Clear roof and gutters of leaves, twigs, etc.
  • Remove all rubbish, leaf litter and native shrubs growing too close to the house
  • Keep grass short and green
  • Fit wire screens to doors, windows, and vents, and en-close all gaps, roof eaves and the area under your house
  • Fit hoses to reach all parts of the house and garden.
Unless you have decided to leave early, or are ordered by Police or Fire Service to do so, stay in the house after taking the following precautions:
  • Phone the Fire Service - don't assume they know there is a fire
  • Turn off gas and power
  • Close all external windows and doors and block gaps from inside with wet towel
  • Fill baths, sinks and buckets with reserve water
  • Plug downpipes with rags and fill gutters with water.
  • Quickly extinguish any fires that may have started in, near, or under the house or roof, and check inside the roof too
  • If the house is alight and can't be extinguished, move away onto burnt ground
  • Don't leave - wait for help
  • Listen to your local radio/TV station for official information, as well as advice on damage and service disruptions
This list is not complete. For further information refer to Queensland Fire and Rescue Service.


The Halloween Disco was attended by almost 180 young people many in great costumes. The dance competitions, games and giveaways were great successes. Next month the disco will be held on November 11th, entry is $4 for PCYC members and $5 for non members and all young people from prep to Grade 7 are welcome. All enquiries to Crestmead PCYC 3805 4100.
Hip Hop Dance classes will start soon on Tuesdays between 5-5.40pm for ages 5-11 and 6-7pm for ages 12-17.
Crestmead PCYC is currently looking for a boxing coach and also if you have a blue card and wish to volunteer at the centre please contact 3805 4100 for more information.
The Community Café is open Monday to Friday between 9am and 3pm . There is a small café, free computer and internet use, free community meeting space, resource library, free workshops, classes and demonstrations.

ASD Spectrum Family Support Group Sunday between 3pm to 5pm find support & friendship with other families and carers.

Men’s Social night Fridays between 6pm—9pm play pool, darts, vintage video games, cards and
make friends in the local area.

Playgroup for Dads Wednesday 9am & noon

Market Day first Saturday each month 10am-2pm

Monday, September 19, 2011


Next Meeting at Crestmead Police
Station Browns Plains Road
Monday September 26th 6.30pm
Following meetings at PCYC Gimlet
Street Crestmead
Monday October 31st 6.30pm
 AGM & End of Year Social
Monday November 28th 6.30pm


Message from The Area Coordinator
I am very pleased that we have been able to arrange our next meeting at the Crestmead Police station and the speaker will be from the Forensic Unit. We will be able to learn what to do to help preserve a crime scene if an offence is committed against us I am sure we don’t believe all that they show on the TV!!
It is sad to learn that the majority of car thefts are from those built in 2000 or earlier and these do not have modern security devices fitted, therefore are easy targets. We should do all we can to limit the possibility of theft. Cars should not be left unlocked outside homes obvious but done so often. Most vehicles being stolen in Crestmead are from suburban streets and not from shopping centre car parks. Be encouraged to park off the street where possible and make the car thief unable to target YOUR car!
The revamped PCYC Blue Light disco now on the second Friday instead of the first Saturday of the month saw over 150 youngsters enjoy themselves. Let us hope this trend continues see article overleaf.
Our next community gathering will be on Sunday 30th October between 10am and 2pm at Pinnington Park and will be supported by our local councillor Phil Pidgeon.
We hope to have displays & a jumping castle for the children. There will be a free sausage sizzle & drinks for sale plus a raffle so please come along & support your local NHW group who support your local community.
Bushfire season will soon be upon us with temperatures heading to the 30’s before the end of the month. We must do all we can to assist the local emergency services in reducing the possibility of any bushfires in the area jumping from the bush into residential areas. We live in such a wonderful area bordered by beautiful bush land we have to be prepared for these events and not wait until events actually happen and it is too late. Also now is the time to get our yards cleaned up for storm
season it is likely we could have some bad storms again this year and we should have learned after last summer what Mother Nature can do!
Look forward to seeing you at one of our future meetings or events, take care Geoff

Police are reminding motorists, residents and business owners that as the temperature rises they still need to secure their property or risk losing it. The Lock it or Lose it campaign aims to educate and remind members of the community to secure their homes, businesses and vehicles to avoid so called opportunistic thieves and sneak breaks.
Anecdotal information suggests that opportunistic thieves strike homes and businesses where doors and windows are left unsecured enabling easy access, or where valuable items are left in plain view.
People should ensure their property is locked and secure when they leave the home, business or vehicle.
It only takes a matter of minutes for thieves to sneak in through an open door or window and steal wallets, handbags and other small expensive items.
For example a remote control roller door opener being stolen from an unlocked car parked in the street, enabling thieves’ easy access to the house.
We are hoping to educate people about the importance of reducing their risk of falling victim to sneak breaks and opportunistic thieves by ensuring they lock up and secure their property and vehicles, as well as not leaving valuable items where they may attract attention.
Property descriptions, including serial numbers should be recorded to assist police in identifying owners and property recovery. There are a number of measures people can adopt to protect their property:
-Make locking external doors and windows a habit, even when you are in your premises or out in the yard. Those who occupy multi -residence dwellings should be aware that offenders can gain access by climbing balconies;
-Ensure any doors or windows left open for ventilation during the hot summer months have the necessary security devices fitted;
-Objectively view your premises and conduct a basic security survey.
Identify vulnerable areas and increase security where necessary;
-Take an inventory for all items of value including electrical goods,
recording their brand, colour, model and serial number;
-Photograph your valuables and size jewellery against a ruler or match
box to assist in determining size;
-To deter thieves engrave or mark your property with a code made up
of your initials, your date of birth as six digits and Q for Queensland.
Police can record this code on their computer system to assist in property recovery;
-Install security sensor lights and fit appropriate locks especially to those doors or windows hidden from public view;
-Place items such as cash, wallets, laptops and mobile phones out of sight, as these are targeted, quick to remove and dispose of by offenders;
-Make sure tools and ladders are kept in a secure place – offenders often use garden equipment and wheelie bins to break into premises;
-Car owners should ensure their vehicle is always locked and secured, even at home, with any valuables such as GPS placed out of sight.
Additional information can be located at the Queensland Police Service web sit at, then look under ‘programs’ and ‘Community Safety and Crime Prevention’


The first ever Crestmead PCYC Blue Light Disco went very well with over 150 young people
attending and participating in a fun night. There was a dance competition along with other games
and giveaways. New DJ Duncan had all the latest music for the young people. Next month
the disco will be held on October 14th, and there will be a Halloween theme with a best dressed
competition up for grabs. Entry is $4 for PCYC members and $5 for non members and all young
people from prep to Grade 7 are welcome. All enquiries to Crestmead PCYC 3805 4100.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 30th 10am - 2pm

You are all welcome to our next community event in Pinnington Park at the end of October hopefully a nice sunny day and one where you will be able to get to meet and greet friends (old and new). There will be a free sausage sizzle, drinks for sale and local councilor Phil Pidgeon will be on hand.

1st Saturday of the Month 10am to 2pm
New Stall holders welcome please contact 3805 1423

Friday, August 26, 2011


Meetings at Crestmead PCYC
Gimlet Street  6.30PM
Next meeting Monday August 29th
Monday September 26th
Monday October 31st
AGM & End of Year Social
Monday November 28th  

August Guest Speaker: Jenny Fredericks from Logan City Safe
Talking about the new initiatives from Logan including the new mobile camera and the seniors safety project which they recently received a $10000 grant from Suncorp for plus any other news from council which may interest us.

 6.30pm Crestmead Community
Centre (see article inside)


Message from The Area Coordinator

With the change of seasons about to occur now is the time to think of a spring clean not just indoors but remember to clear around your homes to help prevent any debris for the upcoming fire/storm season.  We all remember too well what happened last year and of course do not want to add to the workload of our     emergency services for either bushfires or storm damage.  If we can take the opportunity with the kerbside        collections and now the recycling bins to get rid of the items that are not wanted and CAN be recycled, it will help prevent problems down the track.
The worrying events in the UK will hopefully never be repeated in Australia but it just goes to show how gangs of youths can cause such terrible destruction. We MUST engage our youngsters and give them some purpose. With this in mind please note the PCYC activities that are offered see below for just a few ideas. There is also the sports library where you can loan equipment a good idea when you cannot afford some items or just want to try out before buying them for yourself.  There are several types of activities and not just for youngsters many adults attend the Boxercise classes on Friday evenings between 5.30 and 6.30pm which costs only $2. There is a mix of all ages for the martial arts Aikido on Monday evenings between 6pm and 8pm.  For juniors aged between 4-14 cost is $5 and   seniors 14+ cost is $7.  There is also Muay Thai Kickboxing for ages 8+ on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7.15pm and 8.30pm and costs $7. On Mondays and Wednesdays between 5.30pm and 6.30pm there is Boxing, again the same age groups with charges for juniors of $5 and seniors $6.  At this point I should congratulate the recent success by Clay Waterman as world junior champion gold medal 46kg division at the recent AIBA championships. Depending on which newspaper you read the Park Ridge schoolboy is either a resident of Loganlea or Crestmead no matter he is a success story so we should acknowledge his hard work and show that you can get to be the best with   support and training and a goal.  Something that is     lacking in so many these days.  Let us encourage our younger members to get involved in some of the local events and see a way of making new friends and getting that much needed exercise we all talk of having!!  

In addition to the physical sessions at PCYC there is also the opportunity for Junior Dance lesions for ages 7 to 14.  These are held on Wednesdays between 5.30pm and 6.15pm and cost $5 and there are also Music Lessons for all ages.  The half hour lessons are held on Monday’s between 3pm and 5pm for                   beginners to learn the guitar—age 7 to 14 cost $5 and age 14+ cost $7.
The free Friday Night Drop in is still held for      youngsters between 10 and 17 and involves games, music, food and drink and is between 4pm and 7pm.  Note that the second Friday each month the Blue Light Disco will take place for the younger people in our suburb, the first one held next month is free.
Also available from the PCYC branch are microdots and Nanotag kits (price $38) for identification        purposes and it is possible to hire the hall or meeting rooms for a fee, so contact the staff for further details on 3805 4100. We hold our monthly meetings at the PCYC so hope to see you there on the 29th.
It is hoped that either one of the following meetings in September or October will be held at the police     station, dependent upon operational duties, and we hope to have a police officer to give a talk at the
meeting. Take care Geoff

The Blue Light Disco which was held on the first Saturday of the month will now be run by the Crestmead PCYC (with many of the same faces from the team who           volunteered with the Blue Light team previously).
The ages will be from 6 to 12 (prep to grade 7) and the cost will be $5 but the first disco will be FREE!!!!
So dates for the rest of the year will be:
Friday October 14th
                                Friday November 11th
   Friday December 9th
There will be games as well as the sausage sizzle and times will be 6pm to 8pm.  To be held in the Crestmead       Community Centre as before. 


New changes to compliance and enforcement laws
On 29 November 2010, additional penalties and sanctions
relating to compliance and enforcement laws were
introduced. Enforcement of these changes will commence
early 2011.
There will be four new sanctions which come under two
classifications, administrative (issued by an authorised
officer, such as a Transport Inspector or a police officer)
and court imposed orders (issued by a court after a
conviction for a heavy vehicle related offence).
Information sessions were held across the state from 4
April 2011. If you want to find out more about the new
penalties and sanctions for the industry make sure you
download the penalties and sanctions fact sheet
What is the minimum following distance?
The Department of Transport and Main Roads recommends
that you drive keeping a minimum two second gap
between your vehicle and the vehicle in front (following
distance). The two second measure is for when driving
conditions are ideal. In adverse weather conditions double
the following distance to four seconds.
Heavy vehicle drivers should maintain a three to four
second following distance between their vehicle and the
vehicle in front.
Long vehicles (measuring 7.5 metres or longer must keep
a minimum distance of 60 metres behind another long
vehicle unless:
·  Driving on a multi-lane road
·  Driving in a built-up area
·  Overtaking
·  Driving in a road train area (where the minimum
distance is 200 metres)
Sections 126 and 127 of the Queensland Road Rules apply


SATURDAY AUGUST 27th 1pm—5 pm
We will be holding a raffle and have giveaways at the school fete at Waterford West State School in John Street Waterford West so please come along and support both the school and NHW.  The fete will include a car boot sale, there will be plants, books and of course food and drinks  for sale.  The unlimited rides will cost $30 for an armband on the day but if bought before hand will cost $25. For any enquiries contact Jenny 0447 035 993. 

Congratulations to the newly elected committee of the Marsden NHW group which was in danger of folding.  We hope that we can work with you for the benefit of the residents of our suburbs.  The group supports the area surrounding the Marsden Park  shopping centre up to  First Avenue.  Any enquiries  can be directed to the Crestmead Police Station or to the new area coordinator Sandy at
Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at McDonalds meeting room in Marsden.

1st Saturday of the Month 10am to 2pm
New Stall holders welcome—please contact 3805 1423   

Talk by Linda Blackburne on Wills and Enduring Power of Attorney 27th June 2011

Background Linda Blackburne is acting regional manager of Ipswich, Gatton, Beaudesert, Logan and Toogoolawah area. The staff are there to assist people who did not leave wills there are 500 staff throughout the state and are based at courthouses rather than people having to go into the city office if you want to go to update your will etc. In the last financial year they processed 24000 wills and 3600 Enduring Powers of Attorney. They sold 172 houses and also sell Q fleet vehicles and hoon car auctions. The Public Trustee of Qld also acts as trustee for some philanthropic associations.
Linda normally does a talk once a week. The Public Trustee of Qld can prepare a will free of charge regardless of complexity and who is the executor. 

Your wishes are not known, there is an order of merit if interstate it takes longer and therefore costs more money.
At each of the following stages a decision affects a will
  • Age 18
  • Marriage
  • Enter de-facto relationship
  • Birth of child/grandchild
  • Changes in business assets
  • Move interstate/overseas (state based legislation)
  • retire
  • change in beneficiaries
  • loss of spouse or partner
  • separate
Do not use do it yourself kits prepare in tried and tested formats. If you have made a mistake or it is not clear the estate will have to get it sorted out and that will be done by the Supreme Court. That will be expensive and time consuming.
Through the Public Trustee of Queensland there is safe and free storage of 930,000 wills in the state.
Use of simple English do not use gobbledegook. It has been done since 1916 and is reliable and accountable.
Just phone for an appointment and will take about an hour of your time before coming decide who your beneficiaries will be. Children or grandchildren under the age of 18 need guardians as they are unable to hold assets until they turn 18, so need to be held in trust.
If assets are held as joint tenants, will need to consider other than the partner siblings may also hold property. You need to consider who will be the executor they must be able and be trustworthy and can undertake the legalities. These are: pay all debts, pay taxes, find assets, obtain court orders and then obtain probate, defend any claims against the estate if there is a contest to the will then will need legal assistance. If the executor is a family member they can be in a difficult role it can also be an onerous one. 
Whereas the Public Trustee of Queensland is always impartial never in conflict. They are skilled in dealing with family conflicts at times of stress. There is a floor of solicitors if required, and also a taxation unit and a valuation department.
The cost is not a percentage based on the work that is done but a fee for the service. Dependent upon what the assets are, the nature of the estate if there is a large share portfolio etc. 

This is a document you make to choose if you are unable to make decisions for yourself both financial and personal such as where you live, the care you receive, medical treatment, diet, dress etc. It is a very powerful document.
You should decide who is the most appropriate person to act for you it is in YOUR interest. There is not a limit in numbers can be your spouse and/or your children.
The Public Trustee will act for the financial side of your affairs and the Adult Guardian can be appointed for your personal affairs.
The charge for EPA from 1st July is $156 and for two is $237. If the Public Trustee does the EPA the will is free also for flood affected clients too.
Can do an EPA and will at the same time takes a little longer than an hour.
Wills can be kept free of charge if solicitors are not willing to keep them.

The Public Trustee will semi prepare the document for you will send it away with you for your doctor to sign, then it is not stored it should be to hand for you to have if you go into hospital. It is most important for details of treatment that is to be given and resuscitation etc.

Tell people what you have done and where the documents are held you don’t need to disclose the contents just let them know where they can be found. Also it is prudent to consider substituting beneficiaries if you want to cover in case both go at the same time.

Appointments at Beenleigh Courthouse every Tuesday & every second Thursday 9am – 3pm
Phone 5588 5333 Will making appointments for City 1300 360 044

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Message from The Area Coordinator

I hope that you have been able to keep warm during this recent very cold spell and please spare a thought for those who are not as fortunate as ourselves. Once again the news has recently been published of the death of one person who remained in her home for EIGHT years without anyone noticing, and another in Perth of a man who had died 2 years previously and remained undiscovered. Please keep an eye out for your neighbours and if you notice that they have not been out and about for a day or two, do the friendly thing and knock on the door and see if they are ok. It could mean so much to that person to think that they have not been forgotten. Just think if it were you in a few years time or if it were affecting your family we could all do with a friendly face and some compassion these days.
We had a very informative talk from Linda Blackburne from the Office of the Public Trustee at our last meeting regarding wills, enduring power of attorney and advanced health directives. We have some leaflets if you want further information and the Public Trustee can be contacted for free advice on a range of services including free will making, deceased estate administration, financial administration for people with incapacity amongst other things. Phone 1300 360 044.
Our speaker for the July meeting is Howard Triffitt regarding the supply and installation of CCTV, security products and systems. Again a very informative talk I am sure and I hope you will come along to the PCYC at Crestmead to see the displays and ask any questions you may have of this increasing way of protecting your homes and property.
Well as you can see from the statistics we have had another good month of crime detection and limiting the amount of crime goes to the reporting of crime through the POLICE LINK number 13 14 44 thank you to all those who are using this number for non urgent crimes.
This is making a huge difference to the allocation of police resources. As you will see from the report in the Logan West Leader for July 13th there is an article on our NHW group and the partnership with the police and our NHW group thank you to all involved. With such a large area we need as many volunteers to help so please come along to our meetings or just give me a ring.
Take care Geoff

The Internet provides a medium whereby unscrupulous operators can target consumers, with the marketing of illegal schemes and scams. Some of the more common scams include:
· Get rich quick schemes
· Miracle health products
· Competitions & lotteries
· Pyramid/referring selling/multi-level marketing
· Nigerian loan/investment scams
· Work at home schemes
With the advancement of technology, email has become a fast and efficient method of forwarding unsolicited scam information to bulk recipients. Your address could have been obtained from various sources, including a virus affected address book that automatically sends or forwards mail without the knowledge of the user, or from online databases.
Be sceptical of individuals representing themselves as Nigerian or foreign government officials asking for your help in placing large sums of money in overseas bank accounts. Do not believe the promise of large sums of money for your cooperation.
The inquirer relies on some form of response on your behalf to continue the communication. Previous experience gleaned by law enforcement bodies indicates that if you do respond, the sender has obtained confirmation of an identity that they may later use to facilitate the commission of other offences. If you receive this type of email, it is recommended that you delete or ignore it without responding to the inquirer.
Be cautious when responding to special investment offers (especially through unsolicited e-mail) or when dealing with individuals/companies outside Australia, as problems can be experienced with locating the person and with the difference in laws.
Don’t invest in anything you are not absolutely sure about. Do your homework on the investment to ensure that it, the individual or the company is legitimate and inquire about all the terms and conditions. Check out other web sites regarding this person/company, however don’t automatically judge them by their web site. Don’t invest in anything based on appearances.
 Just because an individual or company has a flashy web site doesn't mean it is legitimate. Web sites can be created in just a few days and after a short period of taking money, a site can vanish without a trace. There have also been instances of websites being set up that ‘mirror’ the genuine website.
Misleading or deceptive conduct, or conduct which is likely to mislead or deceive is likely to  contravene section 52 of the Trade Practices Act. Contact the Australian Competition & Consumer
Commission if you think that you have been the subject of this type of conduct.
There is ample information available on the Internet in relation to scams currently marketed worldwide and the precautions to follow.
Some of the following links offer advice on spotting cyber scams and methods to protect you from becoming a victim:
To subscribe to weekly updates of scams, send an email to:
Remember “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is”

Now for the sad part of my message it is time to say goodbye to two of our local police officers Adam Allanson, who although he has only recently been at Crestmead police station, has been a great police liaison officer and very supportive of the NHW team. We wish him well in his new posting out in the country and thank him for his great job at Crestmead. Also leaving but on promotion to Senior Sgt is Col Henderson who has been with us all the way since we have been involved with NHW.
He was OIC at the police beat and has been such a great help with the work we have done with NHW, we could not have managed without his help and guidance. We wish you well Col in your move and promotion and hope that you will look in on us if you happen back this way in the future.

We will be holding a raffle and have giveaways at the school fete at Waterford West State School in John Street Waterford West so please come along and support us.

1st Saturday of the Month 10am to 2pm
New Stall holders welcome please contact 3805 1423

Come along and make new friends, watch a movie, play games in the park, or board games. Use the computers, try out a music instrument, sports and have a free meal and drink. Ages 10 - 17. Fully supervised activities contact PCYC for more details 3805 4100.


Friday, June 24, 2011


Message from The Area Coordinator
I hope that you find the enclosed financial year calendar handy with reminders of our meeting dates and phone numbers. Sorry for the lack of a newsletter last month whilst I was in the UK but I have brought back information which I hope we can use to make our community safer.
The current cold weather reminds us all to keep heaters, candles and any open flames safe. Never leave them unattended, make sure you have working smoke alarms (yes with new batteries in!) and if possible have a fire blanket or fire extinguisher near a kitchen. More information from or 1300 369 003.
The recent tragic loss of lives on the roads underlines the safety message still is not getting through is there anything we can do to help?
Would a road safety expo for youngsters at one of our parks be helpful to get our younger drivers ready for driving please parents let us know.
We still have ENTERTAINMENT GUIDES for sale at $65 each. They are full of 2 for 1 & discount offers in Brisbane & the Gold & Sunshine Coast areas & are valid until June 2012. $13 from each book goes directly to support NHW. Contact or 0431 478 343.
Finally may I pass on from the Queensland Police Service and Crestmead Police Station their sincere thanks to residents and businesses for the generous donations towards Snr Constable Damian Leeding and his family. The officers were overwhelmed by the community support. Thank you.
Take care Geoff

· Make your homes more secure don’t leave doors and windows open the opportunistic thief will take the slightest chance to enter your property
· Identify your property engrave, microchip or photograph and keep records/valuation certificates of your property
· Install movement activated sensor lights at front and rear of homes if possible
· Clear trees and shrubs away from property that would enable a thief ability to gain entry or to hide from view
· Keep front doors locked even when at back of house
· Ensure garages and sheds are locked tools can be stolen or used to enter property
· Keep valuables out of sight both in house and vehicles
· Do not keep vehicles unlocked (or with keys in ignition!)’
· Do not keep spare set of keys in obvious place outside your home better give to trusted neighbour or friend
· Do not allow parcels to be left undelivered arrange to be collected from Post Office
· If away for any length of time notify local police station

What is hooning?
Hooning may include donuts, drifting, fishtails, revving of engines, screeching brakes, skidding, burn outs, time trials/street racing and rolling road blocks.
What are the dangers of hooning?
Hooning behaviour, even performed at low speeds, may cause the driver to lose control of their vehicle, leave the roadway and collide with a fixed object or a pedestrian.
The speeds associated with street racing coupled with driver inexperience can lead to fatalities.
How do I report hooning?
To report a hooning offence, observe the behaviour and note details such as vehicle registration, vehicle characteristics, time and location of the illegal activity and a description of the behaviour.
When you call 13HOON, a trained call taker will record your details and relay the information to police for follow up.
For hooning incidents currently underway and where there is no immediate danger to anyone by having police attend, your information will be forwarded to a Police Communications Centre to task police for response.
How does my report help police?
The information you provide to 13HOON is relayed to police for further investigation. This allows police to locate hooning hotspots and take action to prevent it re-occurring.
For non-emergencies, your call to 13HOON takes pressure off Triple Zero (000) call centre operators across the state while still allowing you to report hooning behaviour.
What are the penalties for hooning?
Under current anti-hoon laws police can impound a vehicle for 48 hours after a first repeat offence, up to three months for a second repeat offence, or permanently for a third repeat offence.