Thursday, March 25, 2010


Message from The Area Coordinator
Due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to provide a newsletter for February and the meeting was cancelled, so I would invite you all to our next meeting on March 29th. This is the day following NEIGHBOUR DAY which is a good reminder for us all to take a minute to think about our neighbour—if you do not know them, can you take the time to introduce yourself? It could make such a difference to both them and you.

We are hoping to provide several interesting speakers this year and we will support other local Neighourhood Watch groups with their meetings and events. Unfortu-nately several other groups in the area have already closed due to poor support and I can only commend to you that the stronger the NHW groups are, the better chance we have to support our police and live in safety and security. We have been promised by our local police station that they will have a police presence whenever possible at all our meetings, so this will be your chance to approach them with any concerns informally.

We would like to know what subjects you would like covered this year for meeting talks and information to be provided to your website. Again this can be conveyed to me either by email or by leaving a message on my mo-bile phone. It was very encouraging to be elected area coordinator for a further year at our AGM in November and I would like to thank John Mickel for taking the time to attend and officiate the pro-ceedings for the election of the new committee. I am grateful for the support and encouragement received from our committee and members and I acknowledge them all for their assistance over the past two years.

Please note there will be no Blue Light Disco next month as the date would coincide with Easter weekend, so the next disco will be held on May 1st.

The Courier Mail has had a recent article regarding the crime rate on the rise in Logan. However with an in-creasing number of police allocated to the area, plus the ACTIVE support of Neighbourhood Watch members—THAT IS ALL OF YOU—we can make a difference and make this area not only safe but a pleasant place to live. The telephone numbers for the local police sta-tions are shown overleaf. Also the Beenleigh Operations number is the main number to contact for all hours—don’t forget to ask for a crime number and that way you have a reference number to use if you have any further queries.

We understand that the PCYC will be selling the new microdot system for marking your valuables soon—more information when they will be available but in the meantime NHW still have free access to engravers which can be used by Volunteers in Policing if you require this to be done for you.

Finally the recent traffic incident which was one waiting to happen when people ride round the streets on un-roadworthy and unregistered vehicles whether “pocket rockets” or trail bikes has resulted in the serious injury to a young person and no doubt trauma to the innocent driver of the legal vehicle involved in the collision.
No one wants harm to come to anyone but when will parents and adults who use these vehicles realize the danger they are putting—not only to themselves but to others on the road.

Take care Geoff

Currently there is a Social Development Committee undertaking an inquiry to consider the risks associated with cannabis use, particularly for young people.
Further information 07 3406 7230
The committee invites written submissions for
comment by Friday 23 April 2010 to:
The Research Director
Social Development Committee
Parliament House George Street
Brisbane 4000
There is also a call for submissions from the Economic Development Committee for the inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras.
Further information is available from or 1800 504 022.
Submissions are to be sent by 30 April 2010 to The Research Director
Economic development Committee
Parliament House George Street
Brisbane 4000
Crimestoppers is the number to use if you wish to remain anonymous to report any activities or information for investi-gations on criminal activities.