Sunday, November 28, 2010


Message from The Area Coordinator

I am sure that those of you who came along to our last meeting held at the Crestmead police station were pleased to have the chance to have a look around the facilities and we are grateful to the officer in charge and inspector for allowing us to hold our meeting there. This may be repeated again sometime next year. Our last meeting of the year on November 29th will be our AGM combined with our end of year social and I extend an invitation for you to attend.
With the holidays coming up please remember the usual points of securing not only your doors and windows but remember garages, sheds etc as burglars are quite happy to steal from those too. In addition with the forecast of storms this summer please ensure that outside your patio furniture etc is placed well away from anywhere that it could cause damage. It would be useful if you could let the police know if you are going away and don’t forget if you are going to have a party to notify the police at least 2 weeks beforehand under the PARTY SAFE program also remember to notify your neighbours, just out of courtesy. If young-sters are involved remember that ONE PUNCH CAN KILL and we have seen the tragic results of this in the past. Let us all have a happy, safe and enjoyable summer and that includes all those driv-ing. Don’t forget to take plenty of breaks, keep to the speed limit and don’t become a statistic allow a few extra minutes to get to your destination and show some courtesy on the road. Have a great festive season and I look forward to seeing you in 2011.
Take care Geoff

Holiday Checklist
A house left empty for a long period is a prime target for intruders.
When going on holidays, take the following steps to give your house that “lived in” look and reduce the chances of a break-in:
  •  Cancel milk and papers.
  •  Have mail held or redirected.
  •  Have a friend remove junk mail and mow the lawn.
  •  Turn down the telephone.
  •  Inform local police of your absence and leave contact name and number.
  •  Wheelie bins should be locked away or chained to posts away from windows.
  •  Have a friend or neighbour bring in your wheelie bin after being emptied.
You should also make sure all doors and windows are securely locked with keyed locks.
For further information on holiday security precautions obtain a copy of the "Holiday Precautions" brochure available at your local police station.

Dressed with a CHRISTMAS theme
6.30pm Crestmead Community Centre

Sunday, October 17, 2010

NEWSLETTER October 2010

Message from The Area Coordinator
Our big news is that we have a change of venue for our meeting for THIS MONTH ONLY. We are holding the October meeting at the Crestmead Police Station and we are grateful for the invitation from Inspector Dowdy and his team to be able to take advantage of this opportunity. The beginning of the month was the annual State NHW conference and it was interesting to meet other committee members from all over Queensland some who have similar and many who have different ways of approaching safety and security in their commu-nities. The one constant that we did come up with was that we must engage our younger population more in NHW they are our future and with this in mind we are hoping that in the new year we will have some ini-tiatives that will see better ways for them to be involved. Don’t forget our AGM and end of year social event at the November meeting. I look forward to seeing you at the October meeting.
Take care Geoff

Do you know someone who would benefit from the use of a smoke alarm specifically designed for deaf or hard of hearing?
The Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) is encouraging residents to take advantage of the Queensland Government’s Smoke Alarm subsidy Scheme which reduces the cost of specialised smoke alarm systems. There is also a DVD tailor made featuring AUSLAN interpretation and captions which contains safety information for this sector of the community which may well save their lives in event of an emergency situation.
Further information from Community Liaison Officer Jenny Farrell on 0416 295 963 or Department of Community Safety media unit 3247 8186

At the time of writing we are experiencing the very wet start of October. This will just be a precursor of what to expect during the summer so with thanks to the Logan City Web site you may wish to note the following advice for storm season:
Trim trees and branches well clear of your home (keep trees under or near powerlines to a height less than 4m).
Check/secure roofing.
Clear gutting and downpipes.
Clear yard of loose materials that may become wind-blown hazards.
If possible, fit window shutters or, at least, metal screens.
Energex prefers that trees not be planted under power-lines. It publishes a planting guide with suggested "powerline-friendly" trees. For more information, check out the Energex web site.

Listen to your local radio/TV station for official advice and warnings.
Shelter and secure pets and animals.
Store loose items inside (if possible, put outdoor furniture in your pool).
Shelter vehicles under cover or cover with tied tarpaulins / blankets.
Secure doors and windows and draw curtains.
Put valuables, medications, spare warm clothing in plastic bags with your emergency kit.
Disconnect electrical items and outside TV aerials and turn off gas.
Fill bins and boats with water.
In the case of a cyclone, fuel your car and park it under cover.
Keep timber strips, hammer and nails handy

Stay inside. Shelter clear of windows and skylights.
If power is lost, listen to the portable radio for official updates (tune to your local station).
If power is lost, turn off your stove, checking all items are off the hot plates.
If power is lost, turn off and unplug your television, computer and other electrical appliances.
If outdoors, seek solid, enclosed, shelter (not a tree).
If driving, stop clear of trees, powerlines or trees.
In the case of a cyclone, do not assume the cyclone is over if the wind drops. It may just be the "eye" of the storm. Wait for the official all-clear.
If the building starts to break up, shelter in the strongest part (hallway or built-in robe) under a mattress, doona or strong table/bench.
Don’t use a fixed telephone during a storm (lighting strikes can cause high voltage power surges through the telephone equipment, causing injury to the user).

Don't ignore official warnings or advice.
Listen to the local radio station (and/or TV station if power available) for advice, and information on damage and service disruptions.
In the case of a cyclone, do not go outside until officially advised it is safe to do so.
Check for damaged windows, walls or roof. Temporarily cover with plastic sheeting and nailed-on wooden strips.
Check for gas leaks.
Don’t use electrical appliances if wet.
Once you have checked your own property, help your neighbours.
Beware of damaged buildings, fallen trees, and flooded watercourses.
Keep well away from fallen powerlines and alert others to keep away.
Report fallen powerlines to Energex on 131962.
Report road obstructions to Logan City Council or Police.


POLICELINK —131444—this is for all NON
URGENT incidents including wilful property
damage, stealing offences, break and enters,
stolen vehicles and lost property.

501 Browns Plains Road Crestmead — 3803 9555
CRIMESTOPPERS—1800 333 000
GRAFFITI HOTLINE—1800 731 026 or 3826 5115
RSPCA—1300 264625—(1300 animal) FOR INJURED WILDLIFE

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Neighbourhood Watch scam warning, Gold Coast

Police are warning Gold Coast residents about a scam where a man attempts to illegally illicit funds for Neighbourhood Watch over the phone.

A number of local Gold Coast small business operators and residents have reported to police that a man has called them seeking large donations to help advertise Neighbourhood Watch.

It is against Neighbourhood Watch policy to solicit funding or conduct “cold” canvassing over the phone to raise funds.

Neighbourhood Watch has strict guidelines on fundraising practices which include the applying for grants and any supporter funding being documented through minutes of meetings and outcomes reported to local police.

Members of the public are advised to be vigilant and not to make any donations over the phone to callers claiming to represent Neighbourhood Watch.

Anyone with information which could assist police with their investigations should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000 or 24hrs a day. 

Friday, October 1, 2010



If you are able to assist in identifying any of these females, please contact CON David GILBERT at Loganholme Station on 3451 6366 or via email or Logan District Intel on 38261960.
Refer to QP1000876832.

Thursday, September 30, 2010



Behind the Crime

[An initiative of the Queensland Police Service and Community Supporting Police]

"Disaster Victim Identification"

Presenter Senior Sergeant Scott McLaren

What is Disaster Victim Identification and Mass Fatality Incident Response?
Why do these police experts conduct this Identification and Response?
The QPS international response to mass fatality incident,
including the Bali bombings, 2004 Tsunami, and the London and Madrid bombings.
 Brisbane Girls Grammar School Lecture Theatre
Gregory Terrace, Brisbane
(Parking available within school grounds and on the street)

Proudly supported by the Brisbane Girls Grammar School
and Sing Tel Optus

6.45pm for 7pm start
Attendees must be aged 18 years or older.
Cameras, mobile phones, videos and other recording devices are not permitted

Cost:     $25 per person: $20 Student/Concession (includes light supper)

Payments can be made at the door.

For more information please contact CSP Secretary Pat Dryden 3378 3373.  Email


Monday, September 20, 2010

NEWSLETTER September 2010

Message from The Area Coordinator

Our recent fraud/identity theft information talk at the Community Centre was very informative and we were very grateful to have Inspector Dowdy from Crestmead Station also attend and introduce our speaker. It is evident that identity theft is becoming the major crime to affect us and it is imperative that we all take much more care when banking, divulging our information “on line” and with destroying our utility bills—in fact any paperwork which has identification that can be used by criminals to set up false accounts in our names. If you don’t own a shredder, you can just soak your paper-work in water and make old fashioned papier mache. It is something you could get the children to do each month and they could make a model out of your old bills!! Much better than a criminal make a killing out of your good name.

The rain obviously affected the number of people who came to have their cars fitted with the safe plate screws which have been funded by our grant through the Gam-bling and Community Benefit Fund. Better that you do not become a victim of crime when this service is offered—a gold coin donation will help us continue buying more stocks. Thanks to the VIP’s for their valiant work.

Please note that October is Crime Prevention Month and we should all do what we can to make life safer to live, work and play in our communities. By joining Neighbourhood Watch that could be the first step in getting to know your neighbours and for new residents—your neighbourhood. Let us make Crime Prevention a priority for everyone . Finally with school holidays upon us again, please take extra care driving—the recent fatal crash in Heritage Park was a terrible waste of a young life. Also take note of any suspicious activity around schools—we pay for damage in our taxes so it is down to us. Take care Geoff

What you can do to avoid being a victim!
  •  Place passwords on all your important accounts—avoid using obvious ones like phone numbers, dates of birth or mothers maiden name—these can all be used by criminals for furthering their crime
  •  Secure personal information—in a lockable filing cabinet or safe
  •  Don’t carry personal information unless needed. Never carry your PIN in your wallet with the ATM card and don’t carry documents like your passport or birth certificate unless you have to
  •  Destroy personal information before disposal—when discarding old bills, records or expired cards, ensure that any identifying information is destroyed.
  •  Avoid providing personal information by phone, mail or on-line. Make sure you know who you are dealing with before you give out personal information
  •  Secure your mail—make sure you have a secure, lockable letterbox
  •  Check your billing and account records carefully - you can identify any potential identity theft early. Follow up if bills don’t arrive on time—the criminal may have redirected your mail to another address
  •  List all your account details—make a list of all your accounts, credit cards and relevant contact details. Keep these in a safe place. If you lose your wallet or purse, notify your bank immediately

OCTOBER is Crime prevention month and on Tuesday October 12th between 9am and 1pm come along to Greenbank RSL to learn about personal safety for seniors. On Saturday 9th October between 9am and noon Safe Pl8 screws will be fitted at Bunnings store car park at Kingston Road, Underwood and on Thursday 21st October between 9am and 1pm, Safe Pl8 screws can be fitted to your car at the shopping centre car park, corner of Kingston Road and Wembley Road at Logan Central. We will be holding more events in Crestmead during the next few months but in the meantime if you are unable to get to the events stated above, you can contact the Crestmead police station to enable them to be fitted by Volunteers in Policing.
You can do so much to protect your home with
  •  Fitting quality deadlocks on external doors of your home.
  •  Fit security screen doors to provide additional protection .
  •  Fit windows with secure locks and do not leave keys in the window locks—intruders can break the glass to unlock your windows.
  •  Ensure security grills/shutters are properly in-stalled and can allow exit in an emergency.
  •  Ensure trees and shrubs are trimmed to allow visibility to your property.
  •  Lock away items of value such as bikes, lawn mowers and garden implements such as ladders. Keep your garage door closed and locked.
  •  Install perimeter security lighting including sensor lights.
  •  Mark, engrave or microdot your property with serial numbers and record them.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Fraud Prevention

Supported by Crestmead Community
Centre Crestmead PCYC & Crestmead VIP’s

NEWSLETTER August 2010

 Message from The Area Coordinator

Sorry to those of you who have missed the recent newsletters it has been difficult getting them out to many parts of the area and it would be great if we had some support from anyone who could help with putting the newsletter together once a month and also delivering this would just take about an hour of your time. If you are interested please contact me see overleaf for details.

We are looking forward to the upcoming talk at the Community Centre regarding Identity Theft. If it has not yet happened to you, no doubt you will know of someone that it has affected. Safety does not only affect our property it involves our privacy too and we should be mindful of any ways that we can protect our personal information. Afternoon tea, giveaways, a raffle and the services of Volunteers In Policing and Police to attach the Safe Pl8 screws to your registration plates will be available. Microdots will also be available for purchase or if you would like information on any aspects of security we will be able to provide assistance.

Would you believe it is almost a year since the Crestmead Police Station opened? How long we waited for it to happen but I think everyone will agree that the visual presence not only of extra patrols on the road but of having the station itself, has been extremely helpful and the reduction in crime has been a major factor. However it is not just up to the police to solve or prevent crime, we can all do our bit and being part of Neighbourhood Watch is to assist the police in doing just that. Keeping our eyes and ears open for anything that seems wrong can be notified by using the new police link phone number 131444.

Take care Geoff

Micro-dot technology, an alternative to engraving property for identification.….

The dots are here ……………

What is microdot technology?

Microdots are an easy and modern way of mark-ing property for identification.
Microdots are micro-labels, about the size of a grain of sand, which are engraved with a unique PIN (Personal Identification Number).
The dots are barely visible to the naked eye and can easily be applied to any household items of value such as televisions, DVD players , cameras and jewellery.
The dots are applied via an aerosol can or cotton bud or pen using a clear waterbased adhesive which also contains a UV trace to assist police to detect the location of microdots.
Households and businesses can purchase micro-dot kits and apply the technology to the surface of valuables themselves. Items such as electrical appliances, CD’s, jewellery, hand tools, bicycles, and marine and car equipment can all be applied with this technology.
Kits also contain warning stickers advising that property is marked for police identification.

Why mark property?
There are various ways to mark your property including taking photographs, engraving and micro dotting.

The benefits of marking your property with microdots are:
Theft deterrent
Proves ownership
Assists police in identifying stolen goods
Allows police to return stolen items to you.

Where can I buy microdot kits?
Microdot kits are available at the Crestmead PCYC


These screws can be fitted to your registration plates to
prevent them from being stolen. In the near future we will
be undertaking sessions for these to be fitted through the
district crime prevention office by police and volunteers in
policing. The dates and venues will be announced in both
our newsletters and the local free press as well as our web
page and the Logan City Web Site events calendar.

Vehicle registration plates continue to be targeted by
thieves for obvious reasons. Stolen registration plates
are used to disguise a vehicle in order to commit
crime and are also used on unregistered vehicles to
make it appear as if the vehicle is registered.

Regularly check your vehicle to see that both plates
are still in place. If they have been stolen, report the
theft promptly to local police. Registration number
plate theft is inconvenient, frustrating and costly as
victims have to report the theft to police and then
attend QLD Transport to purchase replacement plates.

Consider having one-way screws fitted to your vehicle
in order to make it more difficult for your number
plates to be removed by thieves.

The SAFE PL8 Screws are provided to the
Crestmead VIP’s by a grant from the Gambling
Community Benefit Fund
to our NHW group

URGENT Computer SCAM Alert

Have you been the target of a phone computer scam?

Fortunately I was alert enough to avoid being a victim.

I contacted Microsoft and "Scamwatch" and researched on the internet...

The scam dates back to 2009 as per police media report

They "cold call" claiming they are working with Microsoft (or your internet service provider) to remove virus infection due to a software warranty running out. Even if you claim to have antivirus software, they lead you to an error log to prove that errors are happening and that they can fix this.

DO NOT let them have remote access to you computers!!!

Anyone wishing to report a fraud matter or provide information to police is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Winter Warning

Unchecked appliances could make for a
scorching winter
For more information on winter fire safety visit
MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Avoid theft – keep your identity safe

Police Museum
Sunday Lecture Series
June 27,  2010
 Avoid theft – keep your identity safe

Keeping personal details off the internet, covering your pin number, securing your mail and changing your banking passwords regularly are some of the steps people need to start taking to protect their identity.

Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes around the world with criminals defrauding banks, stealing account details and committing other crimes under false names on a daily basis.

Detective Senior Constable Rod Shelton of the Fraud and Corporate Crime Group will present “Identity Crime – the fastest growing crime in the world”, to discuss the current threats including how it happens, who is affected and what to do if you are a victim.

Included in the presentation will be details on credit card skimming and how to prevent it from happening to you.

Detective Shelton has been a Police Officer for 16 years, including eight years as a detective. He speaks at various community groups and also in international and local professional forums on the topic.

The one-and-a-half hour presentation will begin at 11am on Sunday, June 27 and will provide educational and up-to-date content suitable for any audience.

The Museum opens its doors to the public on the last Sunday of each month from 10am to 3pm from February to November in addition to the standard Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm opening hours. Monthly Sunday openings feature guest speakers from across the historical and crime-solving spectrums.

PLEASE NOTE: The Police Museum will open Sunday, June 27 from 10am to 3pm, and is located on the ground floor of Police Headquarters, 200 Roma Street, Brisbane. 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Guest Speaker

We would like to see you at
Crestmead PCYC next to Community Centre Gimlet Street start 6.30pm

MONDAY 31ST MAY Guest Speaker
Jennifer Fredericks Logan City Safe

MONDAY 28TH JUNE Guest Speaker
from Richardson & Wrench Real Estate

MONDAY 26TH JULY Guest Speaker
from Queensland Police Service


GREAT NEWS - We have been successful in a recent grant application for the SAFE PL8 SCREWS. These screws can be fitted to your registration plates to prevent them from being stolen. In the near future we will be undertaking sessions for these to be fitted through the district crime prevention office by police and volunteers in policing.

The dates and venues will be announced in both our newsletters and the local free press as well as our web page and the Logan City Web Site events calendar.


Message from The Area Coordinator
It was good to see some new faces at the last meeting and we welcome all to come along to the next meeting. Jennifer Fredericks from Logan City Safe will be able to answer your questions about the role of council programs including the cameras, park rangers and other schemes to make living in the city more family friendly.
At the moment unfortunately there are a number of scam artists around the city trying to con people out of money. The scams range from collecting your rates THESE ARE NEVER EVER COLLECTED FROM YOU ON YOUR DOORSTEP!! Also we now have Fire Ants back in the area and some criminals are trying to fleece people of their hard earned money by searching for fire ant nests on their property. Please contact Police if suspicious. Bio Security from DPI is responsible for fire ant detection and we will arrange a speaker later.
Other scams recently in the suburbs have been people trying to sell you some “left over” bitumen which ends up costing more than having a driveway done completely. Also people claiming to be in your area and noticing that a tree looks dangerous and needs cutting down at a reduced cost. THEY ARE ALL SCAMS
We have arranged to have a speaker from the Fraud Squad to come to speak to our community in early September. More details nearer the date.
In conjunction with PCYC we will be part of the Volunteering Awareness Day on July 24th, which will be an invitation to you all to see what volunteering is all about and how volunteers can make a difference in the community.

Take care Geoff

Upcoming events at the centre are as follows:
Themes for the rest of the year
June 5th—Singer or Actor
July 3rd—Winter
August 7th—Super hero
September 4th—Rainbow
October 2nd —Space
November 6th Halloween
December 4th—Christmas
June 12th for kids of all ages
June 26th
14th August
Currently bookings are being taken for both Teddy Bears picnic and Market Day stall holders—on website or by phone 3805 1423
Games night tickets are on sale and are selling fast

This year we are again selling ENTERTAINMENT GUIDES —cost $65 & for each book sold we raise $13 towards NHW funds. Please support this fundraising effort, which helps to provide our information service to the community.
The savings in each book total over $15,000 so are very good value covering such things as hotels, car hire, fast food, restaurants, adventure parks, movie tickets and much much more.
Please contact Geoff on 0431 478 343 or email to order.

Learning CPR could save someone you love the CPR awareness program is a Qld local ambulance committee community program teaching the community this important life skill. It is easy and will give you the confidence you need to perform CPR if needed. All it takes is about 90 minutes of your time and a gold coin donation.
Contact JUNE 3808 6621 or Crestmead Community Centre on 3805 1423

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Message from The Area Coordinator
Thank you to those members of the community who have contacted me regarding crime and upcoming events in the community. It is very encouraging to know that the community require the group to continue being a recognized face in the fight against crime. The recent Live Local Shop Local expo at the Logan Metro Indoor Sports Centre was a huge success and it will be a great help for us all to support our local trades people—not only for convenience but also because it is providing work for our local population.

You will no doubt be aware of the recent media coverage regarding the illegal riding of trail bikes and other noisy vehicles in the suburbs. This then leads on to the council proposal to have a regional trailbike facility at Wyaralong west of Beaudesert. Perhaps you have comments and concerns that you wish to make? Please note that our speaker for the May meeting will be Jennifer Fredericks from Logan City Safe. She will be able to outline a lot of the plans and community schemes that the council have in place for the benefit of us all. This involves such diverse things as safety cameras, graffiti management, park rangers, and various planning designs to prevent crime. I invite you all to come along and be informed. One matter of concern which involves a small minority of people is the illegal dumping of rubbish in the vicinity of Clarke Road/Green Road. This area is particularly prevalent, but of course we all see examples of it around our beautiful city. PLEASE do the right thing and use the Logan Smart Tip at Browns Plains or the twice yearly council pick ups that are available. It costs ratepayers money to clean up after the minority that are doing the wrong thing.

On a security note, our newsletter deliverers have noticed on many occasions that mail which clearly displays names and addresses, are left hanging out of letterboxes. At times it is evident that the documents enclosed could be important and as such could be used by criminals to assist with identity theft. These docu-ments could include credit and charge cards, bank statements, power and phone bills and rates notices. All of these documents are used by those unscrupulous people who are willing to run up large debts in other peoples names. So as a reminder, try to make sure that your mail box is large enough for mail to be pushed into without the ability for someone to easily access. Also if you can have a lock on the box all the better. Otherwise please make sure you clear your box as soon as possible and not leave mail to build up. Also the delivery of free newspapers and advertising material which is left scattered around the mail box area and onto the nature strip can be an invitation to burglars that you are not home—a request for your neighbour to remove if you are absent will be a great help.


On a lighter note, calling all volunteers to register with Logan City Council for their VALUING LOGAN’S VOLUNTEERS event to be held at Riverdale Park, Meadowbrook on Saturday 8th May between 10am and 3pm. As the Frank Lenz Memorial Volunteer of the Year award winner from the Logan City Australia Day awards, I can appreciate the difference that volunteer-ing makes to the donor and recipient - sign up — it will be worth your while.

Take care Geoff

Queensland Government is seeking public feedback on a range of potential interventions to combat drink driving which is included in the new DRINK DRIVING IN QUEENSLAND - A DISCUSSION PAPER.

The discussion paper includes a number of topics for consideration and comment including enhancements to random breath testing, reviewing the general alcohol limit, tougher sanctions such as immediate licence suspensions and vehicle impoundment, compulsory blood testing following road crashes and examination of the future arrange-ments of restricted “work” licences.
You can also obtain information from
Give your feedback on the proposed interventions by 17th MAY 2010 by completing the online feedback form on the website or by written submission to:

Drink Driving Review Team
Department of Transport and Main Roads
PO Box 673 Fortitude Valley 4006

Comments can be made on the Safe City strategy before 5pm Friday 23rd April 2010

You can also make submissions by mail or by commenting in the “Have your say section” of or Phone 3412 3412 for details

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Message from The Area Coordinator
Due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to provide a newsletter for February and the meeting was cancelled, so I would invite you all to our next meeting on March 29th. This is the day following NEIGHBOUR DAY which is a good reminder for us all to take a minute to think about our neighbour—if you do not know them, can you take the time to introduce yourself? It could make such a difference to both them and you.

We are hoping to provide several interesting speakers this year and we will support other local Neighourhood Watch groups with their meetings and events. Unfortu-nately several other groups in the area have already closed due to poor support and I can only commend to you that the stronger the NHW groups are, the better chance we have to support our police and live in safety and security. We have been promised by our local police station that they will have a police presence whenever possible at all our meetings, so this will be your chance to approach them with any concerns informally.

We would like to know what subjects you would like covered this year for meeting talks and information to be provided to your website. Again this can be conveyed to me either by email or by leaving a message on my mo-bile phone. It was very encouraging to be elected area coordinator for a further year at our AGM in November and I would like to thank John Mickel for taking the time to attend and officiate the pro-ceedings for the election of the new committee. I am grateful for the support and encouragement received from our committee and members and I acknowledge them all for their assistance over the past two years.

Please note there will be no Blue Light Disco next month as the date would coincide with Easter weekend, so the next disco will be held on May 1st.

The Courier Mail has had a recent article regarding the crime rate on the rise in Logan. However with an in-creasing number of police allocated to the area, plus the ACTIVE support of Neighbourhood Watch members—THAT IS ALL OF YOU—we can make a difference and make this area not only safe but a pleasant place to live. The telephone numbers for the local police sta-tions are shown overleaf. Also the Beenleigh Operations number is the main number to contact for all hours—don’t forget to ask for a crime number and that way you have a reference number to use if you have any further queries.

We understand that the PCYC will be selling the new microdot system for marking your valuables soon—more information when they will be available but in the meantime NHW still have free access to engravers which can be used by Volunteers in Policing if you require this to be done for you.

Finally the recent traffic incident which was one waiting to happen when people ride round the streets on un-roadworthy and unregistered vehicles whether “pocket rockets” or trail bikes has resulted in the serious injury to a young person and no doubt trauma to the innocent driver of the legal vehicle involved in the collision.
No one wants harm to come to anyone but when will parents and adults who use these vehicles realize the danger they are putting—not only to themselves but to others on the road.

Take care Geoff

Currently there is a Social Development Committee undertaking an inquiry to consider the risks associated with cannabis use, particularly for young people.
Further information 07 3406 7230
The committee invites written submissions for
comment by Friday 23 April 2010 to:
The Research Director
Social Development Committee
Parliament House George Street
Brisbane 4000
There is also a call for submissions from the Economic Development Committee for the inquiry into the road safety benefits of fixed speed cameras.
Further information is available from or 1800 504 022.
Submissions are to be sent by 30 April 2010 to The Research Director
Economic development Committee
Parliament House George Street
Brisbane 4000
Crimestoppers is the number to use if you wish to remain anonymous to report any activities or information for investi-gations on criminal activities.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Are you prepared?

2010 bushfire warnings & fire safety messaging

Queensland’s bushfire season may be over but the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service (QFRS) is advising that people should start preparing now for the next bushfire season later this year.
QFRS Assistant Commissioner for South Eastern Region Peter Beauchamp said many people may not realise they are at risk and as a result don’t consider the need to prepare their home.
“We often hear members of the public say ‘brick houses do not burn’ and ‘bushfires only affect those in the rural areas’ but that is not the case,” he said.
“Be assured that brick homes and their contents are just as at risk as wooden homes. Further, bushfires can affect small as well as major areas of land. Tiny embers fly for kilometres. Wind can roar along at unbelievable speeds and flames jump roads and, indeed, structures to affect those on the other side.”
“What if you had to travel in a bushfire prone area for a day trip, whether for business or pleasure, a weekender or a major holiday? Would you know what to do if a bushfire threatened?
“If a relative or friend were staying at your home? Would they know what to do? These are all questions worth considering when you are preparing for bushfires.”

Being home fire safe and bushfire prepared is everybody’s business.
The following information is intended to inform you about the new fire danger rating system and bushfire messaging. The QFRS hopes this assists you to familiarise yourself with the new terms in readiness for Queensland’s bushfire season later this year.

Fire Danger Rating Scale:
On Oct 1 last year Queensland adopted the new national bushfire warning system that has added two risk levels to the Fire Danger Rating Scale - Severe and Catastrophic. These relate to the forecast bushfire danger. That is, what the weather and conditions on the ground, including public behaviour such as lighting fires under fire ban conditions, may cause
  • Low-moderate 
  • High  
  • Very High
  • Severe 
  • Extreme 
  • Catastrophic
The Bureau of Meteorology fire weather forecast records indicate no cases of catastrophic rating in Queensland.

Community Messaging:
The Fire Danger Ratings are used as a trigger for the level of messaging the QFRS provides to the community:
Advice - Fire has started. There is NO immediate danger Watch and Act - A heightened level of threat. Conditions are changing. You need to start taking ACTION NOW to protect you and your family. Emergency Warning - You may be in danger and need to take ACTION IMMEDIATLEY. Any delay now puts your life at risk. This warning will be accompanied by the State Emergency Warning Signal siren.
Bushfire warnings and fire safety messages will be sent out via TV and radio, and your local emergency services will assist when particular areas are considered to be under imminent or immediate danger. They may remind residents of actions depending upon the level of the threat.
[EDITOR: Text Box Example Suggestion:]
[Under a Very High to Severe Fire Danger Rating fires can threaten suddenly and without warning. The QFRS would send out a Watch and Act message. This means residents should examine their Bushfire Plan and, if it is to leave, get ready to relocate to a safer area.]

Emergency Alert
Another tool to assist in warning Queenslanders is the new national Emergency Alert system that can provide 18 000 text messages to mobile phones and 1000 automated landline voice messages per minute in areas of serious risk. They will contain basic details of the threat, recommended actions and advice on where to go for more information. You do not have to register for this service – it is provided automatically through Telstra.
A national media campaign is currently running to inform you of his new system, and anyone wanting to know more can log on to
Information on current Queensland fire bans, daily fire activity and fire safety is provided by: 
Communication and Education - Helping You Stay Safe
The QFRS also provides a number of FREE community safety programmes for Queensland residents. 
  • Bushfire Prepared Communities is run by QFRS representatives for groups or information can be posted out to residents. A new bushfire safety campaign - Prepare, Act, Survive’ - will be released prior to the 2010-2011 bushfire season later this year. 
  • Safehome focuses on fire safety within your own home, whether in the urban to the rural environment, and is undertaken via a visit by your local fire crew.
For further information and bookings for all QFRS community education programmes visit or call 1300 369 003.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Emergency Alert warning system

Minister for Police, Corrective Services and Emergency Services, The Honourable Neil Roberts
17/01/2010 Campaign launched to promote new Emergency Alert warning system
A public awareness campaign to inform Queenslanders of the new national Emergency Alert telephone based warning system will be launched today.
Acting Premier Paul Lucas said Emergency Alert can send text messages to mobile phones and automated voice messages to landlines warning people of severe and imminent emergencies, such as bushfires and cyclones.
"Emergency Alert has the capacity to send 18,000 text messages and 1000 voice messages per minute in areas at risk of serious or life-threatening events," Mr Lucas said.
"It is another method, in an existing suite of measures, we can use to warn people before and during critical incidents," he said.
"Messages distributed through Emergency Alert will contain basic details of the threat, clear recommended actions and advice on where to go for further information."
Mr Lucas said while Emergency Alert was an important tool for sending messages to the community, he stressed it would not replac e existing warning systems.
"Our emergency services staff and volunteers will continue to engage the community during emergency events through traditional methods like local radio broadcasts and doorknocking," he said.
"Emergency Alert is another tool we have to warn Queenslanders, and we'll continue to use all those other methods as appropriate.
"It is important to remember that Emergency Alert is only a warning, and does not reduce the need for people to be prepared with their own emergency plan in place."
Mr Lucas said the system had undergone extensive testing to ensure it was functional and reliable for use during emergencies.
"The Department of Community Safety has advised me that initial issues experienced in a trial at Esk during December have now been addressed and subsequent testing has gone smoothly," he said.
"The survey shows strong evidence that the trial was successful in getting the message across to the targeted Esk community."
Mr Lucas said the campaign would focus on creating awareness of Emergency Alert through television, print, radio and online advertising.
"The campaign is designed to let people know about the system and that messages delivered will direct them on what to do during critical incidents.
"The radio component of the advertising campaign will also be broadcast in a number of foreign languages to ensure these communities understand the new system."
Mr Lucas said Queensland had been working with the Federal Government and other states and territories through COAG on a nationally-consistent telecommunication warning system for a number of years.
The recommendation of such a system in the interim report into the devastating Black Saturday bushfires in February last year added greater impetus to the system's development.
Anyone wanting to know more about the Emergency Alert system can log on to