Saturday, December 12, 2009


The following information is available from the Logan City Council web site
  •  Prepare an emergency kit (torch, spare batteries, water, battery operated radio, first aid kit, essential medications and toi-letries, money, spare house and car keys etc)
  •  Trim trees well clear of your home (under or near powerlines to a height of less than 4 meters)
  •  Check/secure roofing
  •  Clean gutters and drainpipes
  •  Clear yard of loose materials that may become wind blown hazards
  •  Shelter and secure pets and animals
  •  Store loose items indoors if possible (or outdoor furniture in pool)
  •  Disconnect electrical items and outside TV aerials and turn off gas
  •  NB for your general emergency kit it is worth having a list of emergency contact phone numbers handy (also put valuable documents in sealed plastic bags)
  •  Don’t leave children or pets in parked vehicles—temperatures can rise alarmingly even when parked in the shade