Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blue Light Disco Donated Door Prize - Drawn Dec 09

Crestmead NHW donated a HD TV/DVD 19 inch as a door prize which was drawn Saturday 5th december 2009 for the Blue Light Disco which are held on the 1st Saturday of each month at the Crestmead Community Centre.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Message from The Area Coordinator - November's News Letter

The final newsletter of the year and with this comes a warm invitation to attend the annual general meeting on November 30th. This short meeting will allow for the election of YOUR representatives for the coming year and is followed by the end of year social event. This informal get together allows for residents to have a chat with our local police and community representatives over supper.
With the year almost over we should look to the coming events—holidays and storm season. Of course with the usual reminders to protect your property for the storm season let us reflect on what natural disasters have affected the country during the last year. We remember the terrible damage at The Gap but also closer to home from the wind and rain so the comments from Logan Council regarding being prepared for storm season should be noted and DON‟T FORGET TO KEEP THE SES PHONE NUMBER HANDY.
The floods which affected North Queensland earlier this year at the time of the bushfires in Victoria show how cruel our weather can be but we must be prepared for either eventuality. Let us try and help our hard working emergency service personnel with ensuring that we make our property as safe and secure as possible but also that it is easily recognized should they need to find us—can your street number be seen in the dark from the kerb? Perhaps a new set of numbers or lick of paint on the mail box or house would be helpful.
As far as holidays are concerned, don‟t forget to let your neighbours know if you are going away so that they can collect your mail/free newspapers and keep an eye on your house for you. Thieves will do that for you without being asked! If you or your children are going to have a party make sure that you “party safe” and let the police know at least 2 weeks beforehand. You should register and get a supply of “partysafe” wrist-bands and a registered party poster. Of course you should also let your neighbours know—all relevant information is on the police website
With the new year comes a lot of reflection on what has been achieved this year—but we know we can and must do more to help our community. The NHW organisation is undergoing a major change which means that people can belong to a group if they work in an area—do not have to be residents as in the past. So if you want to become involved please feel free to contact our group by email—next year we should have our new website up and running with a lot more information. We are planning more community involvement and hope to be able to provide the SAFE PL8 screws for number plates in the new year in conjunction with the Volunteers in Policing (VIP‟s) and Qld Police.
Don‟t forget the final Blue Light Disco for the Year when one lucky dancer will take away the major prize of an HD LCD TV/DVD player donated by NHW. With the PCYC now fully operational it is great that our youngsters have the community centre/park hub as a youth area. Logan is a great place to live and, if the media is to believed, will be one of the growth areas in the next few years—we have a great future ahead. With very best wishes for the festive season to you all. Take care


The following information is available from the Logan City Council web site
  •  Prepare an emergency kit (torch, spare batteries, water, battery operated radio, first aid kit, essential medications and toi-letries, money, spare house and car keys etc)
  •  Trim trees well clear of your home (under or near powerlines to a height of less than 4 meters)
  •  Check/secure roofing
  •  Clean gutters and drainpipes
  •  Clear yard of loose materials that may become wind blown hazards
  •  Shelter and secure pets and animals
  •  Store loose items indoors if possible (or outdoor furniture in pool)
  •  Disconnect electrical items and outside TV aerials and turn off gas
  •  NB for your general emergency kit it is worth having a list of emergency contact phone numbers handy (also put valuable documents in sealed plastic bags)
  •  Don’t leave children or pets in parked vehicles—temperatures can rise alarmingly even when parked in the shade