Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Meeting dates for 2016:
September 26th, October 31st, November 28th (AGM AND END OF YEAR SOCIAL)
All meetings held at Crestmead Community Centre starting at 6.30pm

NEXT MEETING Monday 26th September

NHW WEEK October 3rd—9th
Events planned during the week more information next newsletter and on the website/Facebook page

2016 September NEWSLETTER

Area Coordinators Message
Many thanks to all those involved with the Logan Road Safety Expo both those who attended and all those who put in so much work to make the event happen. It was a shame that Polair was unable to land but it was needed in the apprehension of a criminal in the hinterland. The road safety message is still very much needed after road safety week with the unfortunate news that the road toll is higher this year than it was at the same stage last year. With school holidays here please take extra care as there will be plenty of children out and about on their bikes and of course when school returns remember the 40 k.p.h. speed limit in the areas around school entrances.
The worrying statistic from Qld Police is that people are still not locking their vehicles or ensuring that their keys are safely hidden at home.
Too many cars are being stolen by criminals as seen so frequently on TV news programs from security camera images. Make sure you lock your vehicles even when parked in your driveway.
Do not leave keys on show indoors (have a secret place for them or buy a key safe and keep them out of the way). Sneak thieves can take your keys and come back to rob your home or steal your vehicle.
I am pleased to announce that the first ever NHW week will be held between October 3rd and 9th and we plan to have some events during that time details next newsletter. Have you checked out our new Facebook page yet? Great to see so many people have and please friend it again as we will be closing down our old page at the end of the month. Also the new website is getting very good reactions so we hope it will be easier to navigate and keep you up to date with all the necessary information for your safety and security needs.
Our final meeting of the year will combine the AGM & our end of year social so I look forward to many of you attending.
Look after each other and take care. Geoff

Taking your dog for a walk is great for you, your dog & the community. Crime prevention & community safety is everyone’s responsibility. You can assist police by providing a good description of anyone you see committing a crime or acting suspiciously.
Always carry your phone with you & report to police immediately if you see a crime being committed or phone POLICE LINK 131 444. One of the ongoing crimes committed is the riding of trail bikes in parks & local streets. Often with more than one rider on a machine & wearing no headgear, these bikes are unregistered & therefore uninsured so any “accident” will not be covered by insurance. The damage to the parks is obvious & the complete disregard of road rules & safety means that people are at high risk of getting hurt. If you see these bikes take a photo & note where & what time the incident occurred. You can then either report to the police or if you do not wish to be named, pass the info/photo on to our email for us to forward to police. The using of these bikes in parks commits an offence just as much as on the roads. We need to keep our community safe. Also at the moment there seems to be an ongoing amount of crime committed in Crestmead Park around the dog park areas & in particular the constant damage to the gates of the small dog park. Also the huge waste of plastic bags which are constantly unwound every weekend. Don’t forget it is your rates which have to fund the damage to be rectified. If you see something being done please notify council 3412 3412 or the police. Thankfully council have put in larger rubbish bins but there are still those out there who
seem to think they do not have to use them. Just do the right thing & put rubbish in the bins & remember to clean up after your dog fines can apply.

Remember there is still a $250,000 reward for information relating to the death of Tialeigh Palmer, as we near 12 months since she died, someone has the missing piece of information that can solve this case.
You can give information to Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000 24 hours a day & you can remain anonymous. Please help bring some closure to the family for this crime.

Justice of the Peace
services & fitting of SAFE PL8 screws available at Crestmead Police Station on Tuesday & Thursday 9.00am noon
Also check with police station regarding monthly visits to local shopping centres