Monday, February 16, 2015


Crestmead Community Centre - Café area right side of building
FEBRUARY 23rd 6.30pm

Friday March 13th 6pm - 8pm
Crestmead Community Centre

Friday March 6th 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Logan West Community Centre
Wineglass Dr. Hillcrest

2015 February NEWSLETTER

Message from The Area Coordinator
A huge thanks to all those who supported our Bun-nings BBQ event on February 7th what a great way of interacting with local residents & many thanks to all those who came back for seconds, thirds & more! Thanks to our dedicated band of helpers on the day we could not have done it without you & we are now able to support more events during the year for our community. Thanks to Bunnings for the opportunity & to Caltex who donated much needed ice on the day much appreciated.
With the election now decided hopefully the new government will give plenty of support to our police & to crime prevention. Good luck to the new representatives in the area & thank you in advance for supporting NHW your attendance at our meetings is always welcomed. We said farewell to Desley Scott at our January meeting & presented her with a certificate of appreciation & gift enjoy a much deserved retirement Desley & thanks for supporting us in the past. Thanks too for The Pooch Michael Pucci who supported us in many ways much appreciated.
With school now back in full swing please remember to take care at school areas police are still finding cars speeding through the vicinity aren’t the lives of our youngsters worth a few minutes of your time? See the attached article.
We would like to congratulate Graeme one of the local Volunteers in Policing who is always willing to assist at Crestmead Police Station. He is also a Justice of the Peace & can be very proud of his VIP award. Thanks to all of the volunteers who do safety audits, install Safe PL8 screws for registra-tion plates and much more besides we appreciate all of you. Graeme will be at the February meet-ing at 6pm to install Safe PL8 screws if you are
interested. Our February meeting will have a police officer in attendance to answer your queries and give us a run down on latest news for the area. At the mo-ment leaving vehicles unlocked (even in your own driveway) and leaving valuables in vehicles still seems to be a major problem with criminals all too willing to take your valuables from you SO LOCK IT OR LOSE IT!!
At the end of March we have the Neighbour Day event at Pinnington Park and in conjunction with Councillor Phil Pidgeon are running a competition to name the new bandstand. Come along on the day and enjoy a free sausage sizzle, jumping castle and face painting. We have the Logan Village Rural Fire Brigade with the Little Squirt Ride around the park for our younger residents and will be promoting the “Don’t be an April Fool” message for replacing your smoke alarm batteries will have some for give-aways. We will be selling drinks and also have a monster raffle so Sunday March 29th 11am to 2pm come and meet your local NHW team and other community members. The Rainbow Connection choir will be giving the bandstand it’s initial try out and we look forward to a big crowd on the day.
We have plans to visit the Safety Camera monitoring room for our March meeting so come along to our February meeting for details. At the April meeting we will have a speaker from the Stroke Foundation to provide us all with much needed information it is possible to save someone’s life with the right info could be a stranger or a friend or relative so a very important topic.
Advance notice that we have our annual Community Benefit Book sale at Grand Plaza Library on Saturday May 2nd another very worthwhile event to help our fundraising, to note in your diary.
Take care Geoff

How to prepare your child to walk or bike ride safely to school and back
It is that time of the year when our children are back to school. In some cases walking or riding a bike is the best option to get to school. While this can be fun for your child, you still have to feel assured they are safe while doing it. If you are allowing your children to walk or ride to and from school then here are a few quick tips to help keep them safe.
Choose the safest route possible. It is a great idea to practice riding or walking to school with your child. While on the practice run look out for the hazard spots and then decide which would be the safest route for your child to take.
Teach your child to only cross at intersections. Show your child the intersections to cross at and to always look both ways before crossing. Make sure they always use a pedestrian crossing as a priority point to cross any road.
Arrange for your child to walk with a buddy or as part of an organised walking school bus. It can be fun to walk with a friend, or with an organised walking school bus. It also helps everyone feel more safe.
Never get into a strangers car. Make sure you advise your child to never talk to strangers and never get into a strangers car.
Always obey traffic signs and lights. Traffic lights are there to keep you safe.
Reassure your child daily. Discuss the route your child will take to school daily. This allows your child to have a clear understanding of what is happening for his/her trip to and from school.
Have a family password. As a family decide on a secret word, that is only known by your family and is easy to remember. If plans change and a friend was to pick up your child, then they would need to disclose the family password before your child went with them. This allows your child to feel safe with the new arrangements.