Monday, May 19, 2014


Next Meeting at
Crestmead Community Centre
MONDAY May 26th 6.30pm
Following meeting June 30th
Speaker Bob Walker from Office of
Fair Trading talking about scams
and how to protect your identity
online and in everyday situations

June 13th 6pm—8pm

DEAF LIGHT DISCO 23rd May 6pm—

GREY LIGHT DISCO 30th May 6—9pm


Message from The Area Coordinator
I would like to thank our speaker for April Ross Thompson from the Qld Homicide Victims Support Group who gave a very inspiring talk regarding One Punch Can Kill and the ramifications of taking that one silly step that could lead to life long changes. Not only are people killed from a bad choice of action but the victim could end up needing life long medical support and the costs that ensue, and also the offender could be affected by a criminal record which could prevent them from many things such as not being able to obtain a passport, employment and insurance restrictions too. So the way to
avoid the terrible results would be to walk away - be a Hero and live for another day.
Also remember that the impact affects so many people - the “ripple effect” - and this spreads out to your family, friends and colleagues. Currently the group supports about 4000 people and they receive no funding from government - so if you are interested in helping out financially or perhaps to volunteer the web site is or look up on There is a 24 hour helpline also - free call 1800 774 744
We have no speaker for this month but in June we have Bob Walker from the Office of Fair Trading. Lots of information regarding scams, how to avoid being “had” and what your rights are - come along and join us for a cuppa and we will welcome you to our group.
Domestic and Family Violence Awareness month is held in May. If you are (or know someone who is) affected by this dreadful abuse, you can obtain help from several different sources. Of course there are many forms of abuse - domestic violence can be physical abuse, emotional abuse, elder abuse,
verbal abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse, social abuse, stalking, spiritual abuse and cultural abuse.
Don’t let concern become regret - phone 1800 811 811 for confidential domestic violence support and advice or go to Freecall DVConnect Mensline - 1800 600 636 Uniting Care Community Elder’s Abuse Helpline - 1300 651 192 between 9am and 5pm M-F or the Seniors One Stop info line - 1300 135 500 (same hours) Womens Info Link—1800 177 577 8am to 5pm (M-F) or visit or email
For youngsters there are the Kids Help Line 1800 551 800, Brisbane Youth Services 3252 3750, Bravehearts 1800 114 474 or WAVSS 3808 5566.
For those from non English speaking backgrounds the interpreting service is available on 13 14 50, Immigrant Womens Support Service 3846 3490, ACCES Services Inc 3412 8222 and Multilink 3808 4463.
We are currently organising a HIGH TEA to be held on Saturday October 25th at Crestmead Community Centre. Plans are progressing well and we hope to serve 100 people with a variety of sweet & savoury goodies, teas & coffees of course in proper china cups & saucers!! Raffles, giveaways & a fun time is assured. Please note your diary for this event as the proceeds are for Cancer Research particularly breast and gynaecological cancers. More information in later newsletters and we hope to have a good support from you all. If any of you wish to donate prizes for our raffle please contact by mail or email addresses overleaf and in advance many thanks to you for your generosity.
We hope to have a speaker later in the year regarding prostate cancer, and we may be able to arrange a daytime meeting if that suits people better for those who are not at work during the day or do not like to come out to evening meetings.
Finally don’t forget WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY ON May 23rd and FATALITY FREE FRIDAY, on May 30th. Ideally we should all aim for every day to be Fatality Free but please take care when out and about. You not only have to drive to the conditions but also to anticipate those other road users who are not as competent in road skills.
Just a note from our VIP friends at the police station, a JP is available at the following times: Monday 3pm –5pm, Wednesday and Friday 8.30am –12.30pm and Safe PL8 screws are available at those times also –may fit in better with commute times. Thanks VIP’s! Thanks also to all the volunteers out there—Volunteer week in May salutes you all
Take care Geoff