Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Next Meeting at
Crestmead Community Centre
MONDAY April 28th 6.30pm
Speaker Ross Thompson Qld
Homicide Victims Support group
talking about

May 9th and June 13th 6pm—8pm




Message from The Area Coordinator
Thanks to all of you who supported the book sale on March 15th and unfortu-nately the Neighbour Day event on March 30th had to be postponed due to the rain. We intend to hold it again on Sun-day April 13th weather permitting!! Thanks go to Geoff and his team at Kensington Fair bakery for donating the bread for our sausage sizzle. Logan City Council for donating food and giveaways for the event and thanks too for Hasina for her colourful face painting work. We hope that all who attend will have had an en-joyable time meeting new neighbours.
As a follow up to the comments in our March newsletter regarding pool inspections we also have the name of another inspector who lives locally - contact Col Myers on 0411 619 223.
Thanks to Donna our speaker from PACT for the informative talk at our last meet-ing. Just to let you know that PACT helps out with child witness support programs, therapy and child advocacy. More infor-mation from PACT - 3290 0111, or email Our next meeting will have Ross Thompson from the “ONE PUNCH CAN KILL” campaign and I urge you to come along and find out how we can all learn from this and help to spread the message.
In addition to our Bunnings sausage sizzle on June 8th we have been invited to have another one on Sunday August 24th so the funds raised will help towards our Road Safety Expo on Sunday 14th
October. We have big plans for this event & a lot of interactive displays will be available for young and old.
A current complaint is regarding the scooters, dirt bikes and other unregistered vehicles that are causing a lot of bother on Crestmead
roads at the moment. Please be advised that Crestmead police in conjunction with Logan City Council are taking action on these bikes and have identified a few of the riders and enforcement action WILL be taken. If you see any of these offenders please note the time & date, type of vehicle, clothing of rider & colour of bike so that they can be identified when po-lice lay charges. If you are able to get a photo/video even better. A lot of the problems seem to be in Coffey & Carinya Parks but wherever they are contact Policelink on 131 444 or the hoon hotline 131 4666.
I hope that you all remembered to replace your smoke alarm batteries on April 1st - if you forgot do it now. A smoke alarm with dead (or even worse missing) batteries is of no use at all so do the right thing. People die from SMOKE inhalation before the FIRE can KILL them.
Anyone who wants to order an Entertainment Guide please contact or go to our secure on line page to order a book or digital membership - yes you can download onto your smartphone and have all the vouchers at hand with no excuse that you have forgotten to take your book with you. They are $65 each and are valid to 1st June 2015. order at:
I look forward to seeing you at a future event take care Geoff
As many of you have commented there is a lot of anguish regarding fireworks being let off - of course frightening for animals as well as people. Please note the following from the Department of Natural Resources and Mines website.

Illegal fireworks
It is illegal to possess or use fireworks in Queensland without a licence. Fireworks can only be bought, stored, transported and used by properly trained and licensed professionals who understand the hazards and risks. Information on illegal fireworks activities should be reported to the Explosives Inspectorate, or to the police.
The following people all must be authorised:
fireworks supplier, manufacturer and/or importer
fireworks contractor
fireworks operator
fireworks transporter (if relevant), and
fireworks storer (if relevant).
If the fireworks contractor is an individual, the con-tractor must also be an authorised fireworks operator. If the fireworks contractor is a corporation, the corpo-ration must have a nominated licensed fireworks op-erator who otherwise qualifies as a fireworks contractor.
Far too many injuries are caused by these illegal fire-works so if you like them - go to a proper event don’t take a chance and don’t upset your neighbours and animals who really do get very scared by the noises.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

2014 Neighbour Day

Neighbour Day
is on this
Sunday April 13th
11am and 2pm
 Brabham Park,
Brabham Street