Saturday, April 20, 2013


Next Meetings at Crestmead PCYC
Monday April 29th 6.30pm
Speaker from Logan Funerals
Monday May 27th 6.30pm
Friday May 10th 6.00pm

Grey Light Disco
Friday 26th April


Message from The Area Coordinator
Thanks a plenty this month from a wide variety of people. First of all to Andrew Jones who gave information at our last meeting regarding CRIMESTOPPERS. For those of you interested in joining this organisation as a volunteer you can contact Andrew (who is the chairman for the Logan/Beaudesert Area group) on his mobile 0400 339 234. We also had Peter Keech from PCYC who gave some very interesting insights into BRAKING THE CYCLE. This is a scheme to help young people overcome the barriers to attain their drivers licence through the support of the community. A mentor will act as a supervisor to enable the learner to complete the 100 mandatory log book hours required to achieve their licence. Since this scheme relies on the sponsorship, community support and in kind donations of goods and services to meet day to day operational costs any assistance will be much appreciated. (All donations over $2 are tax deductable and a great way to support your local community). More information can be obtained through the Logan City PCYC email or phone 3442 1700.

I would also like to thank all those who supported us at the recent community benefit book sale which assisted our fundraising efforts for future events. Also those who have bought chocolates for the same reason now after Easter we had better give the choccies a rest!

Don’t forget we are selling Entertainment Books again this year so for $65 you have access to over $15000 worth of savings. A great buy which will be returned many times over just a couple of meals or entries to sports or entertainment venues and you have got back your initial outlay.

Please also take note of the Red Cross Fundraiser at Crestmead Community Centre on April 27th. A very good value afternoon out for the cost of $8 & you will be supporting such a good cause.

Now for the message this month and unfortunately once again property crime seems to be an awful statistic. You can prevent the heartache caused by stealing from vehicles or breaking into homes just by being a little more careful. If you live on acreage don’t forget to lock your front gates this will prevent easy access to your property by sneak thieves they will not want to carry their ill gotten gains down driveways! Cars and doors should always be locked even if the car is parked on your property and you are indoors. It is such an easy thing for thieves to sneak in whilst you are having a lie down, watching TV or out in the garden. MAKE LIFE DIFFICULT FOR THE CRIMINAL - THEY WILL CERTAINLY MAKE YOURS TIRESOME IF YOU HAVE TO GO ROUND CHANGING LOCKS, CLAIMING INSURANCES (or worst still not be insured) and REPLACING ITEMS OF VALUE. Don’t forget sentimental items cannot be replaced items which are easily transported will be taken so ensure that you have your goods marked with microdots or engraved contact the Volunteers in Policing at Crestmead Police Station for more information.

Also safe plate screws are available to prevent your rego plates being stolen another expensive issue when it happens to you and you can get them fitted for FREE!!!

Finally just a reminder that our next meeting will have a speaker from Logan Funerals it is one of the inevitable things in life so don’t bury your head and think you don’t need to know what happens when someone in the family passes away (or you can plan what to do for your own demise). Better be
prepared for these things and we hope to have more informative speakers during the coming few months.

In the meantime, take care Geoff

JP services provided at Crestmead Police Station available on Wednesday and Friday mornings and safe plate screws can be attached to your number plates on these days. On Tuesday and Thursday mornings there are VIP’s available for assistance safety audits and general crime prevention advice.
Phone 3803 9555 for more information.
Vehicle security
In Queensland, the majority of stolen vehicles are used for joy riding, transport or for use in another crime. The remainder are stolen by professional car thieves for monetary gain, and are either given a new identity and resold, or stripped down and sold as separate parts. The following tips will help reduce the risk of vehicle theft: If you have off street parking, use it. If possible, park behind locked gates or in a locked garage. Parking on the street greatly increases the risk of theft. Remove temptation - always lock doors and close windows when your vehicle is unattended.
If you must leave valuables in your motor vehicle keep them out of sight.
For maximum protection, an engine immobiliser that meets Australian Standard 4601:1999 provides the most effective deterrent to opportunistic vehicle theft.
However, it offers no protection if a thief has easy access to your car keys, so keep keys out of sight and not left in accessible places.

Light refreshments available, raffle and face painting by Cintahs Creations
All enquiries 0466 900 697

Property security
Property that is most at risk of being stolen is
desirable, usually small, has a good re-sale
value and is able to be off loaded and sold
quickly. Typically, this includes computers,
cameras, multi-media devices, mobile phones,
satellite navigation devices and power tools.
Marking your property makes ownership clear
and deters theft as marked property is more
difficult for the thief to offload.