Thursday, August 26, 2010


Fraud Prevention

Supported by Crestmead Community
Centre Crestmead PCYC & Crestmead VIP’s

NEWSLETTER August 2010

 Message from The Area Coordinator

Sorry to those of you who have missed the recent newsletters it has been difficult getting them out to many parts of the area and it would be great if we had some support from anyone who could help with putting the newsletter together once a month and also delivering this would just take about an hour of your time. If you are interested please contact me see overleaf for details.

We are looking forward to the upcoming talk at the Community Centre regarding Identity Theft. If it has not yet happened to you, no doubt you will know of someone that it has affected. Safety does not only affect our property it involves our privacy too and we should be mindful of any ways that we can protect our personal information. Afternoon tea, giveaways, a raffle and the services of Volunteers In Policing and Police to attach the Safe Pl8 screws to your registration plates will be available. Microdots will also be available for purchase or if you would like information on any aspects of security we will be able to provide assistance.

Would you believe it is almost a year since the Crestmead Police Station opened? How long we waited for it to happen but I think everyone will agree that the visual presence not only of extra patrols on the road but of having the station itself, has been extremely helpful and the reduction in crime has been a major factor. However it is not just up to the police to solve or prevent crime, we can all do our bit and being part of Neighbourhood Watch is to assist the police in doing just that. Keeping our eyes and ears open for anything that seems wrong can be notified by using the new police link phone number 131444.

Take care Geoff

Micro-dot technology, an alternative to engraving property for identification.….

The dots are here ……………

What is microdot technology?

Microdots are an easy and modern way of mark-ing property for identification.
Microdots are micro-labels, about the size of a grain of sand, which are engraved with a unique PIN (Personal Identification Number).
The dots are barely visible to the naked eye and can easily be applied to any household items of value such as televisions, DVD players , cameras and jewellery.
The dots are applied via an aerosol can or cotton bud or pen using a clear waterbased adhesive which also contains a UV trace to assist police to detect the location of microdots.
Households and businesses can purchase micro-dot kits and apply the technology to the surface of valuables themselves. Items such as electrical appliances, CD’s, jewellery, hand tools, bicycles, and marine and car equipment can all be applied with this technology.
Kits also contain warning stickers advising that property is marked for police identification.

Why mark property?
There are various ways to mark your property including taking photographs, engraving and micro dotting.

The benefits of marking your property with microdots are:
Theft deterrent
Proves ownership
Assists police in identifying stolen goods
Allows police to return stolen items to you.

Where can I buy microdot kits?
Microdot kits are available at the Crestmead PCYC


These screws can be fitted to your registration plates to
prevent them from being stolen. In the near future we will
be undertaking sessions for these to be fitted through the
district crime prevention office by police and volunteers in
policing. The dates and venues will be announced in both
our newsletters and the local free press as well as our web
page and the Logan City Web Site events calendar.

Vehicle registration plates continue to be targeted by
thieves for obvious reasons. Stolen registration plates
are used to disguise a vehicle in order to commit
crime and are also used on unregistered vehicles to
make it appear as if the vehicle is registered.

Regularly check your vehicle to see that both plates
are still in place. If they have been stolen, report the
theft promptly to local police. Registration number
plate theft is inconvenient, frustrating and costly as
victims have to report the theft to police and then
attend QLD Transport to purchase replacement plates.

Consider having one-way screws fitted to your vehicle
in order to make it more difficult for your number
plates to be removed by thieves.

The SAFE PL8 Screws are provided to the
Crestmead VIP’s by a grant from the Gambling
Community Benefit Fund
to our NHW group

URGENT Computer SCAM Alert

Have you been the target of a phone computer scam?

Fortunately I was alert enough to avoid being a victim.

I contacted Microsoft and "Scamwatch" and researched on the internet...

The scam dates back to 2009 as per police media report

They "cold call" claiming they are working with Microsoft (or your internet service provider) to remove virus infection due to a software warranty running out. Even if you claim to have antivirus software, they lead you to an error log to prove that errors are happening and that they can fix this.

DO NOT let them have remote access to you computers!!!

Anyone wishing to report a fraud matter or provide information to police is asked to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.